Sunday, April 7, 2013

Welcome Brainwave: Tips to Improve Self Confidence with affirmations

Welcome Brainwave: Tips to Improve Self Confidence with affirmations

Tips to Improve Self Confidence with affirmations

Tips to Improve Self Confidence with affirmations
tips on how to improve self confidence
In this article I still share tips on how to be confident on the viewers as well. Maybe you've read some of the articles I share on this topic:


Tips to boost confidence
Be the first person Arrogant
Not Confident? Reshape Your Body!
There is another way that is quite simple and proven good results in order to boost your confidence as well. If the previous articles may be too general or too difficult to apply, then this is really easy. What way is that?
Self Affirmation or Autosuggestion
Persuaded myself with affirmations is the way Emily Couve introduced by a physician from Switzerland. This method is really simple. Affirmations (Personal suggestion) is a media or a means to influence the subconscious mind. In the human mind there are two parts that work together in a different way, namely the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind can be likened to a virtual hard disk indefinitely. He recorded all the things that you see, hear and see. But he also recorded the things that my friend did not notice yet still affordable by limits your senses. When you are driving from home to the office, you probably noticed how many times knowingly met stopan red light, how many times turn left, etc. But for things like that detail how many car plates DD, L, B and Z that you encountered on the trip ?
Your conscious mind can engga answer as this is beyond the reach of your attention. But the subconscious mind to record this all without you even knowing! And in a state of hypnosis, your subconscious mind can precisely tell how many car plates DD, L, B and Z that you encountered on the trip! This is the strength and intensity of your subconscious mind.
Practically a autosuggestion techniques of self hypnosis / hypnotize yourself or give yourself sugesi. A simple technique that will not cost anything at all. This technique is effective in one's membooster confidence. With autosuggestion we will embed the affirmations direct to the subconscious, to form a new mindset. This new mindset is the confidence that you want in life ujudkan.


Before you start trying to autosuggestion, read the following article: Affirmation: toward a successful life healthy and happy
followed by how to create effective affirmations because you will learn to make the affirmations page and apply it.
I give an example script to be confident of my personal collection. Script affirmation in English, you may imitate or translate it into Indonesian


I am secure in myself and confident in myself
I discover, uncover, and recover aspects of my self-confidence daily
I maintain my self-confidence in all times and places
I balance my self-confidence with modesty in perfect ways
I dissolve all obstacles to having complete self-confidence
I heal all my issues around loss of self-confidence
I recognize and honor my true talents, abilities, and skills
I am confident of my capabilities, expertise, and know-how
I dissolve all false expectations of myself
I forgive myself for not living up to others expectations
I see each part of my life as a lesson in attitude and feeling
I forgive myself for any and all past mistakes
I dissolve all my fear around making mistakes
My self-confidence is in who I am, not what I do
I have faith in myself and my future
I stand firmly in my belief in myself
I believe in myself completely
I feel self-confident from the inside out
I am now filled with miracle consciousness
I move forward, feeling self-confident every step of the way
This is a script that affirmation Self Esteem, Self Confidence is part of the (Confidence)


I accept myself completely without qualifiers
I have a solid sense of self-identity
I see myself realistically and Objectively
I find deep inner peace with myself as I am
I say positive things about myself to myself
I forgive myself for all I have done
I forgive every person in my life who has undermined my self-esteem
All of my false images of myself from the past are now dissolved
I love and accept all parts of myself
I love and accept all of my thoughts and feelings as part of myself
All false messages about me are now dissolved in total grace
I love and approve of myself aside from my accomplishments
I have positive self esteem apart from others Judgments and criticisms
I love and approve of myself without pleasing others
I accept myself completely as I am, though I recognize areas for improvement
I value and honor myself as I am, though I recognize areas for improvement
I am loving and accepting of who I am and who I am becoming
I stand firmly in my powerful positive self-esteem
I believe strongly in my powerful positive self-esteem
I feel total peace with my powerful positive self-esteem
and that this is the script affirmation to accept the default condition of the body that can not be changed:


I am not my physical self alone
I accept my physical self as one part of my whole being
I accept and love my physical self completely
I am in harmony with my physical self
I appreciate the miracle of my physical self
I treat my physical self with the respect it deserves
I forgive my self for its physical imperfections
I change what can be changed in perfect ways for me
I accept what can not be changed in peace
I forgive everyone who Criticized my physical self
I forgive myself for Rejecting any part of my whole self
I dissolve false measures and beliefs of physical beauty
I dissolve false beliefs and measures of physical health
I set my own standards of beauty and fitness as NAMAs
I create a unique personal image to me
I maintain a personal style that complements my physical self
I value my own way of looking and being
I allow my inner beauty to shine
My inner beauty radiates for all to see
I increase of in health, beauty, and vitality daily
How do I use this affirmation script?
The trick: you write about affirmations and sssuai fit your needs in a piece of paper. Attach paper or put it in a place that is easy to reach. Every morning after waking up and every night before going to bed, read the script was being slowly filled affirmations FAITH and NOT HESITATE! Do not read the flavors are not sure because by doing so you will create a mental block that inhibit these affirmations settled in the subconscious mind.
If the script is too complicated affirmation, affirmations build your own based on the ways that I have shared in the article how to create effective affirmations.
Are there any disadvantages of autosugesstion? Yes there is. Read in this article. There is no way that is absolutely perfect. But here's the easiest way and cheap. Another way you can try to improve the self-confidence is by following a hypnotherapy session where you are guided by a hypnotist (who expertly perform hypnosis) to dismantle the old mindset and instill a new mindset in the subconscious mind. This method is quite effective but the cost is not cheap!
tips on how to improve self confidence
Building Confidence = Building the future
Challenges in the future will be more complex and diverse. From now build your confidence. Invest in building your confidence will reap the sweet in the future. Many things complicated and does not make sense that you will face the full force-with style-and confident if you start building it now!


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