Monday, April 8, 2013

Americans Find Thatcher Controversial, Even in Death

The death of Margaret Thatcher brought an onslaught of tweets airing both grievances and support for the former Prime Minister. While some remember her as an iconic feminist, others have been holding grudges against her going back decades.

It's safe to say there's no consensus on Thatcher's legacy, but it's clear she left a lasting impression that spanned several generations.

Several American politicians, including President Barack Obama, Speaker of the House John Boehner and others, have shared their condolences about the Iron Lady's passing:

"She stands as an example to our daughters that there is no glass ceiling that can't be shattered." -Obama on Margaret Thatcher's passing

? Barack Obama (@BarackObama) April 8, 2013

RIP Margaret Thatcher, one of the great leaders of the 20th century

? John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) April 8, 2013

Margaret Thatcher, Pope John Paul and Ronald Reagan changed history. The world would be a much different place without them.

? Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) April 8, 2013

In an official statement, former President Bill Clinton said the following of Thatcher's passing:

Lady Thatcher understood that the special relationship which has long united our two nations is an indispensable foundation for peace and prosperity. Our strong partnership today is part of her legacy. Like so many others, I respected the conviction and self-determination she displayed throughout her remarkable life as she broke barriers, defied expectations, and led her country. Hillary, Chelsea, and I extend our condolences to her family and to the people of the United Kingdom.

Former Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin also spoke positively of Thatcher on her Facebook page :

We're deeply saddened at the loss of Margaret Thatcher. While the Iron Lady is sadly gone, her iron will, her unfailing trust in what is right and just, and her lessons to all of us will live on forever. She was a trailblazer like no other. We lost an icon, but her legacy, as solid as iron, will live on in perpetuity.

Palin consistently compared herself to Thatcher and said she was inspired by the Iron Lady while running for vice president in 2008.

Thatcher's close relationship with the late President Ronald Reagan was mentioned in a statement from former first Lady Nancy Reagan:

It is well known that my husband and Lady Thatcher enjoyed a very special relationship as leaders of their respective countries during one of the most difficult and pivotal periods in modern history. Ronnie and Margaret were political soul mates, committed to freedom and resolved to end Communism. As Prime Minister, Margaret had the clear vision and strong determination to stand up for her beliefs at a time when so many were afraid to "rock the boat." As a result, she helped to bring about the collapse of the Soviet Union and the liberation of millions of people.

However, news of Thatcher's passing was not a somber moment for everyone. People from both sides of the pond were quick to critique the memory of the conservative politician.

Okay, what did the #ironlady do to advance Great Britain and the world? Did she leave lasting footprints for women in politics? #justsayin

? Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) April 8, 2013

Thatcher is dead, but unfortunately Thatcherism lives on. Let's bury it with her: @ occupylsx

? Occupy Wall Street (@OccupyWallSt) April 8, 2013

Condolences to two children who have lost a mother but I shed no crocodile tears for Thatcherism

? Kevin Maguire (@Kevin_Maguire) April 8, 2013

Margaret Thatcher gave Ronald Reagan the courage of his misguided conviction.

? Robert Reich (@RBReich) April 8, 2013

Margaret Thatcher suffered a stroke and died this morning in London. She was 87 years old.

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