Saturday, March 16, 2013

What Is GVO ? A Review Of The Web Hosting Provider And Online ...

GVO ? The All In One Solution

If you?re in the internet/network marketing industry, I?m sure you?re asking what everyone seems to be asking??..


The network marketing game is changing very rapidly at the moment and what seemed to be the perfect solution to your business building yesterday is history today.

In this review I?ll give you a rundown on what GVO is and why I decided to join.

To be totally honest, I didn?t get it at first. I really didn?t. I had to do my due diligence to put the pieces together.

I?m Asking Myself ??..

  1. What is GVO?
  2. What does it stand for?
  3. Why is this company and concept ALL over the internet?
  4. And most importantly, WHY are all the top leaders in the industry in it?

So, let?s have a look at what is GVO?

GVO is a a web hosting provider. But not only that.

It?s a web hosting provider that stands out.


Because GVO is a web hosting provider AND ?an amazing business opportunity!

How can a web hosting company also be a business opportunity??

Imagine an umbrella???..

What Is GVO And Why The Umbrella?

What Is GVO

I said earlier that I didn?t get this at first. It wasn?t until I pictured the umbrella.

What makes this company and opportunity that stand out is that you?ll have EVERYTHING you need to build a business under ONE umbrella.

You?ll have all the components that you as marketer will need to build a successful business online or offline.

You?ll get all your tools here.

So, let?s move on.

What Does GVO Stand For And Why Should You Pay Attention?

GVO stands for Global Virtual Opportunities ?and is, as the name points out, not only a web hosting company but also an opportunity.

Ok, so we have the basic idea clear.

Step one, you will have all your web hosting taken care of here.

Step two, pay close attention to what?s under the umbrella!

Here?s where it gets really interesting!

Here?s also where you?ll start to see why GVO stands out in the competition with the suite of internet and network marketing tools (some even FREE) in addition to the hosting.

So What Is GVO Aside From Hosting Your Websites?

The answer is THE PLUS 6 and why these tools are necessary to generate revenues and profits?with your website.

It?s the ONE place for all your marketing tools that you?ll need for creating a successful business.

Besides the web hosting, you?ll get access to SIX tools that are essential for your business.

All in ONE house under ONE roof!

Meet the CEO Joel Therien and the marketing chief Mike Potvin and their story!

?What Is GVO And The Plus 6?

The answer to ?what is GVO?? ?is slowly becoming very clear?..

?. with The Plus 6, you?ll get the total picture.

Here they are:

1. A FREE Autoresponder System

eresponderCreated to make email marketing easy. It?s a robust autoresponder and bulk email tool.?This is what you need to create, send and track your email messages. The money is in your list and most importantly the money is in your follow-ups!


2. Blogger Builder?

With Blogger Builder, your authority blog, you?ll have a quick way to get started! blogging. It?s fun, easy and can be made highly profitable.

Blogger Builder is tied into WordPress where you will see many different layouts and themes. Make it personal for you and your niche.

The great thing with Blogger Builder is that there are many headers that are created around local?businesses and you can pick the one that fits your niche.

3. The FREE Easy Video Producer?

easy video producerIn todays?social media marketplace you NEED to have video on your website, or you?re dead in the water! This is absolutely essential.

Did you know that video converts sales THREE times better than ad copy alone??This is why you?ll need and love the Easy Video Producer.

This tool allows you to put professionally designed videos onto your web site with one click of a mouse and it?s FREE with your Web Hosting account!

4. GVO FREE Conference


GVO Conference is a full audio and video communications tool!

Here are some benefits with having YOUR OWN conference room:


  • Use the presentation mode while running video and audio.
  • Complete desktop sharing capabilities.
  • Record your session with the click of a mouse and so much more.
  • A?must for anyone doing business online or working long distance.
  • This will allow you to open up your market on a global scale.
  • Keep your team leaders, customers, business associates and members informed and on the same page.
  • Help your children with homework while away to University or College.
  • Talk with and see your grandchildren grow up who live hundreds of miles away.
  • Stay on top of your life and on top of your business with GVO Conference.

5. A Complete Prospecting System (lead capture pages)?

Do you feel confused and unsure on how to create lead capture pages that converts into leads and ultimately buyers?

Maybe you do not know html, ftp, web design or other components needed to create a great lead capture and online presence?

To tell you the truth, most of us don?t and FEAR it!!

By now the question of ?what is GVO?? should be perfectly clear?.

Makes sense?

But back to the capture pages ?. DO NOT WORRY! The GVO prospecting system is professionally designed and ridiculoulsy simple to use.

I can guarantee that you?ll be able to use the lead capture system with just a few clicks of your mouse!!

With this tool you are on your way to build a massive email contact list.

6. The GVO Academy

GVO ACADEMYTo be successful in anything, you must learn from successful people!

Successful people are always learning and will pay thousands of dollars on a monthly basis when it comes to their personal development.

What would you pay for daily and weekly training, by some of the top trainers in Internet Marketing, Network Marketing, Blogging, Video Marketing and so much more?

At GVO Academy, you?ll get this training FREE with your Hosting Account.

GVO Academy and its incredible group of instructors, will coach you right at your computer through live workshops, streaming videos, and Q&A sessions.

Think of what your life would be like today if you had a business minded mentor or marketing mentor when you were growing up. Someone to guide you, teach you, and lead you on the right path to financial independence. Well now you have many!

What is GVO And What Makes It A Business Opportunity?

PURE LEVERAGEBesides what you?ve seen so far, GVO pays you 100% commissions on all your referrals and their activity the first month.

Thereafter, you?ll receive 50% commissions on your whole organization.


THIS is what makes GVO not only your host and your business builder, but also a huge potential for building a successful home based business.


With GVO you?ll get:

  • web hosting
  • all the necessary tools for building your business online
  • an unmatched compensation plan
  • training
  • and so much more

What Is GVO And What Is It Not?

GVO OFFICEGVO is NOT a company where you?ll find any hype or empty promises.

Without saying to much, I can guarantee you that. ?It is a company with great integrity.

Joel Therien who is the CEO and the founder, is a very down to earth guy who has built an extremely successful business in the web hosting niche. He now has about 100 employees who help make the GVO operation run smoothly.

It?s a company that do what they promise to do!

The huge advantage is that the complete production is ALL under one roof. This simplifies everything a great deal of course and eliminates complicated relationships.

Now, a true review should contain some drawbacks or some critical observations. Now, at this time I can?t provide you with that, since so far I only have a positive experience.

Why Is This Concept All Over The Internet And Why Are All Of The Top Leaders In The Industry Using GVO?

GOLDYou?ve guessed it already.

GVO is all over the internet because of it?s genius construction! Everyone wants it.

Is your present autoresponder offering you a business opportunity? Didn?t think so.

The top leaders are top leaders because they know when opportunity knocks.

It?s a skill!

So, I hope I have answered the question what is gvo??and I hope I have shown you what?s possible here and how GVO could benefit you and your business.

what is gvo



Jag o kr?kan


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