Sunday, March 31, 2013

Attacks leave more than 50 dead in central Nigeria

JOS, Nigeria (AP) ? Attacks on villages surrounding a central Nigerian city at the heart of unrest between Christians and Muslims have killed more than 50 people this week, officials said Saturday, as authorities pleaded for peace over the Easter holiday.

The attacks around Jos, a city in Nigeria's fertile central belt, come as a string of unsolved killings continue to plague the region that has seen thousands killed in massacres in recent years. While a combined police and military presence still patrols Jos and other parts of Plateau state, many of the villages attacked sit in remote, rural corners of the area that sometimes have only a single police officer on duty.

The most recent killings happened Friday night in the Barkin Ladi area, said Lt. Jude Akpa, a military spokesman. Attackers raided a village called Bokkos and killed nine people, fleeing before soldiers arrived, Akpa said. Emmanuel Lohman, a government official there, said gunmen armed with assault rifles struck a village called Ratas and opened fire in the night while many there were sleeping.

Witnesses said the shooting lasted for almost two hours before the attackers fled. The Christian villagers there, who farm the fertile soils of Plateau state, blamed nomadic Hausa-Fulani cattle herdsmen for the attack. Such attacks remain common as Christian farmers clash with the herdsmen over land and grazing rights. Other attacks often are rooted in disputes over political and economic power in the region, which sits on the divide of Nigeria's predominantly Muslim north and largely Christian south.

Muhammadu Nura, the state secretary of a cattle breeders association, said Hausa-Fulani people had been killed in "reprisals," but denied herders were involved the attacks.

In recent days, witnesses and government officials say more than 50 people have been killed in attacks. That includes an assault Wednesday on a village in the Riyom local government area that killed 28 people and an attack Thursday in the Bokkos local government area that killed 18 civilians. The military said it killed six while trying to repel attackers in Thursday's assault.

Jos and surrounding Plateau state have been torn apart in recent years by violence pitting its different ethnic groups and major religions ? Christianity and Islam ? against each other. Human Rights Watch says at least 1,000 people were killed in communal clashes around Jos in 2010, attacks that saw whole villages killed. While major massacres haven't happened in the last few years, so-called "silent killings" continue and the two faiths have moved into different areas of the city.

Major attacks by Islamic extremists, including car bombings, also have hit the area in recent years as Nigeria's weak central government appears unable to stop the killings. With Easter on Sunday, government officials urged those living in Jos and the surrounding villages to be calm and peaceful during the holiday.

Plateau state Gov. Jonah Jang, a Christian long criticized for not doing more to stop the killings, said his government will continue to work for peace and prosperity in an area long beset by tension.

"Christians must claim this season, which symbolizes hope, by rededicating their lives to the teachings and path of Christ so as not to lose eternity," he said in a statement.


Associated Press writer Jon Gambrell in Lagos, Nigeria, contributed to this story.


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San Francisco's Stunning New Transit Hub Is One Beautiful Slice of Future

Public transit doesn't have to be a total bummer if you've got a nice enough hub for it all to connect to. That seems to be the logic behind the upcoming 1.5-million-square-foot, San Francisco Transbay Transit Center. Some are calling it the city' "Grand Central," and if it lives up to the plans, it'll certainly be grand. More »


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NPR ends its news show 'Talk of the Nation'

"East Coast liberal elites" have lost another outlet for their opinions now that?National Public Radio is putting an end to one of its signature shows.?After 21 years on the air, the afternoon call-in show "Talk of that Nation" is being sent out to pasture, taking away the best opportunity the public radio listeners had for interacting with the show and getting their views on the airwaves.

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The plan, according to Brian Stelter of The New York Times, is to replace "Talk" with the straight news program "Here and Now," which will expand to two hours and fill up the weekday afternoon schedule. "Here and Now" is produced by Boston University's WBUR.

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It sounds more like a retirement?than a cancellation, since NPR says they offered other jobs to host Neal Conan and every staffer on "Talk." (Conan has decided to leave the network he's been working at since 1977, in order to "step away from the rigors of daily journalism.") Also, the topical once-a-week version of "Talk," which is known as "Science Friday," will continue to air in its regular slot.

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NPR said the decision was made in part because member stations had requested another news magazine-style show to match "Morning Edition" and "All Things Considered," and that there is already a glut of call-in shows on talk radio. The final episode will air at the end of July.

RELATED: NPR's New CEO Wants to Fix Its Liberal Problem

Image via?cliff1066??on Flickr


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Worst Allergy Season Ever?

Marlene Cimons writes for?Climate Nexus, a nonprofit that aims to tell the climate story in innovative ways that raise awareness of, dispel misinformation about, and showcase solutions to climate change and energy issues in the United States.? She contributed this article to LiveScience's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

This spring could be the most miserable one ever for those of us with allergies, and we can blame it on climate change.?

People in the Northeast, in particular, will be among the hardest hit in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and this winter's record-setting blizzard, both of which dumped massive amounts of precipitation over the region.??

"[This] promises a robust allergy season,'' said Leonard Bielory, an allergy and immunology specialist with the Rutgers Center for Environmental Prediction in New Jersey, a state which suffered widespread destruction from Sandy.?

"The first airborne tree pollen has been measured in recent days, and while the count is still low, some allergy sufferers are showing comparatively severe symptoms,'' he added. "I expect more tree pollen than ever to be released this spring, and the reaction to the early pollen to be unusually strong.''

The planet is getting warmer, and human behavior is responsible. The changing climate has brought early spring, late-ending fall, and large amounts of rain and snow.? All of that, combined with historically high levels of carbon dioxide in the air, nourishes the trees and plants that make pollen, and encourages more fungal growth, such as mold, and the release of spores.?

We will be paying a wretched price in the coming months for the behavior fueling the explosion of pollen, which are the tiny reproductive cells found in trees, weeds, plants and grasses.? By all accounts, there will be more pollen this year than ever before.

"The trees are going to burst in the next week or two, and we will get a burst of pollen higher than in past years,'' said Bielory, who predicts that pollen counts will increase by 30 percent by 2020 and, "in a perfect test-tube world, will double by 2040 because of climate change.'' [Study: Pollen Counts To More Than Double By 2040]

Most trees release their pollen in the early spring, while grasses do so in late spring and early summer. Ragweed makes its pollen in the late summer and early fall.

And pollen production is only part of the impact that global warming is going to have on allergies and asthma ? and our health overall.

In areas of the country experiencing prolonged heat and drought, dust will worsen air pollution, exacerbating asthma and other respiratory diseases. In other regions, climate change will affect the insect population ? their stings and bites can provoke fatal allergic reactions in sensitive individuals ? as well as the proliferation of such vines as poison ivy. Poison ivy thrives with increased carbon dioxide, and as a result, now makes a far more potent urushiol ? the oil that causes poison-ivy-triggered rashes ? than in the past. [8 Ways Global Warming Is Already Changing the World]

Current evidence also suggests that climate change will increase the concentration of ground-level ozone, particularly in Northeastern, Midwestern and Western cities, causing an increase in respiratory diseases.

In short, if you have allergies or asthma, climate change is going to make you a lot sicker now and in the coming years.?

Allergic diseases are the sixth leading cause of chronic disease in the United States, with an annual cost of $18 billion, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies annually. ???????????

Asthma afflicts about 20 million Americans, and is rising around the world, according to the CDC. Moreover, some public health experts regard the global increase of asthma as an early health effect of climate change, and a harbinger of more health dangers to come.

In fact, one study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology called climate change "potentially the largest global threat to human health ever encountered,'' predicting more injury, disease and death from natural disasters, heat waves, infections and widespread malnutrition, as well as more allergic and air-pollution illnesses and death.

If you are lucky enough to be free from allergies, don't make the mistake of dismissing them as nothing more than a minor annoyance. Allergies can have a serious impact on the quality of life, and in some circumstances ? a bee sting, for example, or if they trigger an asthma attack ? they can kill.

"This is not just a matter of having a runny nose,'' said Jeffrey Demain, director of the Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Center of Alaska.? "Allergies affect the ability to go to work and go to school, and they affect school and work performance. They interfere with playing sports, social opportunities, how well you sleep, your relationships and your overall general happiness.''

On average, someone with allergic disorders experiences a quality of life 35 percent less than the general population, Demain said. "It really is quite dramatic,'' he said.

Allergies occur when the body's immune system overreacts to a substance that generally doesn't bother other people. The allergens can prompt sneezing, coughing, watery eyes and itching. In the years between 1970 and 2000, allergic rhinitis among Americans has risen from 10 percent to 30 percent, which correlates to similar increases in positive allergy skin-test results, according to Bielory.

Most experts believe the impact of climate change on allergic diseases will vary by region, depending on latitude, altitude, rainfall and storms, land-use patterns, urbanization, transportation and energy production. Drought, for example, will contribute to increasing air pollution, while heavy rain will wash the pollution away, but encourage the growth of mold.

Bielory and his colleagues, reporting in a 2011 study, showed that the ragweed-pollen season has become longer in northern areas of the country in recent years, and points to climate change as the reason this is happening.?

"We drew a line from Texas to Canada,'' he explained. "The pollen count duration remained the same in Texas, but changed as you moved north. Even though you are heading north to Canada, the pollen started earlier and ended later ? and it should have been shortening. This was due to earlier springs and the later onset of fall. Frost wasn't occurring as early as it used to, so ragweed was pollinating later.''

Pollen levels per plant are increasing as a result of escalating concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and the plants themselves are growing bigger, experts say.

"The increased pollen is probably a way for the plant to adapt,'' said Demain, who also is an associate clinical professor at the University of Washington. "They become larger and produce much more pollen. More people are going to develop asthma and allergies, and it's going to be severe.''

Stopping human activities that contribute to climate change might help future generations avoid these risks, but the rest of us ? like the plants themselves ? will have to adapt. We also can hope for a new medical breakthrough that will turn off the allergic response.?

In the meantime, stay inside and keep your windows closed.

The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher.

Copyright 2013 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Organic And Natural Skincare Solutions - Are They Really More ...

Author: Danielle Pinter | Total views: 50 Comments: 0
Word Count: 653 Date:

If maybe you are actually curious if natural and organic skincare is really that much better for you, don't forget that skin care products gurus have actually been offering you solutions and products that have over five hundred different harmful substances contained in them. Start your investigating now, in terms of how you could change your skincare regimen to ensure that it is beneficial not only for the health of your skin, but also for you! Despite anti-aging claims, some solutions and products, in fact, will actually make us age faster, because of the chemicals included in them. Some of these un-natural products and solutions could cause health issues, and also make us look fatigued and worn out. This is not right! Our cosmetic treatments and products ought to do exactly the opposite thing.

All natural and organic skincare products and solutions in the marketplace are free of all toxic and hazardous chemical substances. Rather - they're composed of natural plants and herbs, many of which have healing and homeopathic elements. Some, you can even consume, as a means to reinforce your body's defense mechanisms or even combat inflammatory action within the entire body. Lycopene, from tomatoes, for example is good for greatly reducing or eliminating darkish spots or marks. Organic and natural coconut oil in addition has been shown to reduce Alzheimer's disease along with other psychological illnesses. Lavender oil will help you sleep peacefully and clear away redness in your skin. Cucumbers are notoriously useful in minimizing puffiness. Skin care solutions and products that have these organic elements are way more beneficial as opposed to those which are packed with elements you can't even pronounce.

Natural skin care often also smells terrific (not at all like chemical substances), because of its addition of herbs, plants and flowers such as chamomile, vanilla, ginger, organically derived tea and coffee, as well as lavender. Every time you slather all natural skincare products on your skin, you not only smooth it - you actually enable your senses to absorb divine aromas which is also a therapeutic form of aromatherapy. Imagine breathing in ylang ylang, a traditional Chinese all natural herb considered to be a good aphrodisiac, whilst you smooth out facial lines and increase elasticity in your cheeks, eyes and forehead. Before applying your lipstick, how about using mother nature's lip -plumper? Organic and natural chili peppers not only boost your body's metabolism - when applied sparingly to the mouth, they can temporarily give that bee-stung appearance to your lips, making them fuller. Natural and Organic skin care has many other amazing benefits other than just making you look incredible.

From lotions to oils, body butters, to eye concentrates, you can easily locate many natural and organic skincare products created from coconut oil and shea butter, mango butter and olive oil, not from methylparaben and propylparabens and polyethylene glycol; chemical compounds which could bring on skin breakouts and even disrupt your body's natural hormonal balance. Some of those toxic chemicals are actually found in stove cleansers! Who would actually want to slather that on their body?

In case you are still undecided about buying natural skincare solutions and products, due to their high price tag compared to drugstore brands - then consider your own long-term health. You wouldn't want to drown your very own body in chemically created scents and/or petroleum-based products, which can (at worst) cause many forms of cancer, or (at best) cause skin breakouts. You can certainly benefit from mother nature's many different organic ingredients that help to clear away imperfections, relieve irritated skin, clear away lines and wrinkles, get rid of scars, possibly even make you look and feel more youthful and energetic. Natural And Organic skincare solutions and products are undoubtedly worthy of the money spent considering that you are a human being - not a laboratory rat.

To get more info about natural skincare, visit:

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Ivy Larson's 30 Minute Fitness Fusion Workout - Diets in Review

Everybody wants to be fit, but let?s face it; making a commitment to an exercise program can be a mega?time-zapper. The good news is, if you learn to exercise smarter you can still get amazing results in a very short amount of time. If you commit to a well-designed circuit-style workout that overloads all of your major muscles, works large muscle groups with compound movements and keeps your heart rate elevated the entire time then you can get fit, lean and strong exercising just 30 minutes, three days a week.

If weight loss is a concern, as long as you keep moving quickly from one exercise to the next to keep?your heart rate elevated you don?t need to run a single lap or put in any extra cardio time either.?That?s because hormonal changes occur with circuit-style resistance exercises that create a fat-burning environment (1). For the best weight loss results you will of course also need to watch what you eat. A ?clean cuisine? style diet is your best bet for healthy, long-term weight loss.

As for picking the best exercises, I prefer a ?full fitness fusion? approach that fuses a variety of exercise disciplines and focuses on full body moves rather than isolation exercises. If you want to get fit fast you will get much better quicker results doing compound exercises like push-ups as opposed to an isolation exercise like biceps curls. As with anything, the smarter you work the less time you need to spend and the better your results will be.

View Saturday Morning Drills: Full Fitness Fusion Slideshow

Author Ivy Larson?is a nutrition, fitness and wellness expert. She is the founder of the Clean Cuisine product line, author of?Clean Cuisine: An 8-Week Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition Program that Will Change the Way You Age, Look & Feel?and the creator of?Full Fitness Fusion: The 30 Minute Solution?workout DVD. Find her at? on Twitter?@clean_cuisine.

Also Read:

The Most Important Anti-Inflammatory Diet You Can Start Today?

Reducing Inflammation for Heart Health?

The Benefits of Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

source: 1.?Adipose Tissue Lipolysis Is Unregulated in Lean and Obese Men During Acute Resistance,? Diabetes Care 31, no. 7 (2008): 1397-99

March 30th, 2013


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Italy's president declines to resign, will stay to deal with crisis

By Giselda Vagnoni

ROME (Reuters) - Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on Saturday ruled out standing down early to make way for new parliamentary elections, following the failure of attempts to form a government this week.

Napolitano, whose term ends on May 15, spoke after news reports suggested he might resign to get around constitutional provisions which prevent a president dissolving parliament and calling elections in the final months of his mandate.

The 87-year-old told reporters he would continue his efforts to break the deadlock since inconclusive elections last month that left no group able to form a government.

"I will continue until the last day of my mandate to do as my sense of national responsibility suggests, without hiding from the country the difficulties that I am still facing," he told reporters at his Quirinale palace.

He said he would ask two small groups of experts to formulate proposals for institutional and social and economic reforms that could be supported by all political parties.

But he acknowledged that he had limited scope to force the divided parties to find a way out of political situation that he said was "frozen between irreconcilable positions".

Napolitano met leaders of the main parties on Friday to try to find a way out of the stalemate, which has created deep uncertainty just as the Cyprus banking crisis has revived fears about the stability of the euro zone.

However with all of the three main groups in parliament clinging to entrenched positions that have prevented a majority being formed in parliament, hopes of a solution that would prevent the need to go back to the polls have faded.

Center-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani, whose party controls the lower house but does not have a majority in the Senate, failed to win enough support to form a government from any of the other parties during a week of talks.

He rejected demands by center-right leader Silvio Berlusconi for a cross-party coalition deal that would give the scandal-plagued former prime minister a share in power and the right to decide Napolitano's successor.

Both Berlusconi's group and the populist 5-Star Movement led by ex-comic Beppe Grillo have also ruled out a new technocrat government like the one led by outgoing Prime Minister Mario Monti, blocking what appears to be the only other option.


With investors mindful of the 2011 debt crisis that brought down Berlusconi's last government, the gridlock has fed worries about Italy's ability to confront an economic crisis that has fuelled rising social tensions and disillusion with its political class.

Napolitano's pledge to stay on appears to rule out the threat of a power vacuum with weeks of uncertainty until new elections, which would have to be called within 70 days of parliament being dissolved.

He stressed that Prime Minister Mario Monti retained full authority at the head of a caretaker administration until a new government can be formed.

Whether or not that can happen, parliament will soon have to begin preparations to vote for a new president either to oversee the first steps of a new government or early elections.

The election of the head of state, by a joint sitting of parliament and representatives from the regions, is likely to cause another bitter fight between the three main blocs which have become increasingly hostile to each other since the election.

A person close to the situation told Reuters on Saturday that Napolitano had considered resigning and the apparently coordinated leak of his thinking to newspapers may have been a move to increase pressure on the parties to secure a deal.

With bond markets closed for the Easter break, investors have been left on the sidelines but a poorly received auction of mid- and long-term debt last week underlined the danger if the crisis drags on.

Italy has been in deep recession for more than a year, with record unemployment, especially among the young and a 2-trillion-euro ($2.6-trillion) public debt that is dangerously exposed to swings on international bond markets.

Economy Minister Vittorio Grilli, responding to questions about market rumors of a ratings downgrade, told reporters on Thursday he had no knowledge of any imminent decision by Moody's to cut Italy's sovereign debt rating.

Moody's already rates Italy only two notches above "junk" grade, partly due to the uncertain political outlook.

(Writing by James Mackenzie; editing by Barry Moody)


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OptiTrack debuts $3,700 PRIME 17W mocap cam for small spaces

DNP OptiTrack shows off $3,700 PRIME 17W mocap cam, ideal for small spaces

Independent creators keen on motion capture have had affordable solutions like cheaper sensors and Kinect-based implementations for awhile now, but a large space for moving around has usually been required. OptiTrack has come up with an answer to that problem, however, in the form of the PRIME 17W mocap camera that it introduced at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. The 1.7-megapixel lens has a 70-degree by 51-degree field of view that promises to capture motion in a relatively small space, which also means you need fewer cameras to get a full 360-degree shot. Other features include a global shutter, high-speed 360 FPS capture and low distortion, enabling UAV and sports tracking. At $3,700, it's still not exactly cheap, but it's certainly affordable enough for indie engineers and animators with space constraints to get started in the mocap biz.

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Source: OptiTrack


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House Speaker admonishes fellow Republican for immigrant slur

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner on Friday condemned a reference to migrant workers made by fellow Republican Representative Don Young, calling the comments "offensive and beneath the dignity of the office."

Young referred to migrant workers as "wetbacks" in a radio interview aired in his home state of Alaska on Thursday, but issued an apology late in the day after criticism. The term is considered a slur against illegal immigrants who crossed into the United States from Mexico.

"My father had a ranch. We used to hire 50-60 wetbacks ... to pick tomatoes ... it takes two people to pick the same tomatoes now. It is all done by machine," Young said in the interview.

The lawmaker was speaking about the economy and technology. In an initial apology, he said he did not realize the term was considered offensive.

In a later statement on Friday, Young called the term "insensitive" and "a poor choice of words."

"That word, and the negative attitudes that come with it, should be left in the 20th century, and I'm sorry that this has shifted our focus away from comprehensive immigration reform," he said.

Boehner issued a statement saying there was "no excuse" for the comments.

"Congressman Young's remarks were offensive and beneath the dignity of the office he holds. I don't care why he said it - there's no excuse," he said.

Young, who has spent 40 years in Congress, also is facing a House ethics investigation into possible misuse of campaign funds, failure to report gifts and other offenses. The ethics investigation is similar to an earlier Department of Justice inquiry, which produced no charges.

(Reporting by Kim Dixon; Additional reporting by Yereth Rosen; Editing by Jackie Frank and Ian Simpson)


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A Sculpture Made of 10,000 Balloons Redefines Balloon Art

Jason Hackensworth is a balloon artist, but not the kind that wears oversized shoes and has been the villain in a 1990 horror movie. He's known for his balloon sculptures of biological forms and creatures, like this anemone-like sculpture, currently on display in the Grand Gallery of the National Museum of Scotland as part of the Edinburgh International Science Festival. More »


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Friday, March 29, 2013

New book shares insights from Steve Jobs' 1st boss

In this photo taken Wednesday, Mar. 20, 2013, Nolan Bushnell, the founder of Atari, right cheers his son, Brent Bushnell, CEO of "Two-Bits-Circus," a Los Angeles idea factory focused on software, hardware and machines. Nolan Bushnell was the first guy to give Steve Jobs his first full-time job in Silicon Valley at Atari. Two Bit Circus is a unique hybrid of intellectuals, creatives and performers. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

In this photo taken Wednesday, Mar. 20, 2013, Nolan Bushnell, the founder of Atari, right cheers his son, Brent Bushnell, CEO of "Two-Bits-Circus," a Los Angeles idea factory focused on software, hardware and machines. Nolan Bushnell was the first guy to give Steve Jobs his first full-time job in Silicon Valley at Atari. Two Bit Circus is a unique hybrid of intellectuals, creatives and performers. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

In this photo taken Wednesday, Mar. 20, 2013, Nolan Bushnell, the founder of Atari poses for a photo at "Two-Bits-Circus," a Los Angeles idea factory focused on software, hardware and machines. Bushnell was the first guy to give Steve Jobs his first full-time job in Silicon Valley at Atari. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

In this photo taken Wednesday, Mar. 20, 2013, Nolan Bushnell, the founder of Atari poses for a photo at "Two-Bits-Circus," a Los Angeles idea factory focused on software, hardware and machines. Bushnell was the first guy to give Steve Jobs his first full-time job in Silicon Valley at Atari. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

In this photo taken Wednesday, Mar. 20, 2013, Nolan Bushnell, the founder of Atari poses for a photo at "Two-Bits-Circus," a Los Angeles idea factory focused on software, hardware and machines. Bushnell was the first guy to give Steve Jobs his first full-time job in Silicon Valley at Atari. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

In this photo taken Wednesday, Mar. 20, 2013, Nolan Bushnell, the founder of Atari poses for a photo at "Two-Bits-Circus," a Los Angeles idea factory focused on software, hardware and machines. Bushnell was the first guy to give Steve Jobs his first full-time job in Silicon Valley at Atari. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

(AP) ? When Steve Jobs adopted "think different" as Apple's mantra in the late 1990s, the company's ads featured Albert Einstein, Bob Dylan, Amelia Earhart and a constellation of other starry-eyed oddballs who reshaped society.

Nolan Bushnell never appeared in those tributes, even though Apple was riffing on an iconoclastic philosophy he embraced while running video game pioneer Atari in the early 1970s. Atari's refusal to be corralled by the status quo was one of the reasons Jobs went to work there in 1974 as an unkempt, contemptuous 19-year-old. Bushnell says Jobs offended some Atari employees so much that Bushnell eventually told Jobs to work nights when one else was around.

Bushnell, though, says he always saw something special in Jobs, who evidently came to appreciate his eccentric boss, too. The two remained in touch until shortly before Jobs died in October 2011 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.

That bond inspired Bushnell to write a book about the unorthodox thinking that fosters the kinds of breakthroughs that became Jobs' hallmark as the co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc. Apple built its first personal computers with some of the parts from Atari's early video game machines. After Jobs and Steve Wozniak started Apple in 1976, Apple also adopted parts of an Atari culture that strived to make work seem like play. That included pizza-and-beer parties and company retreats to the beach.

"I have always been pretty proud about that connection," Bushnell said in an interview. "I know Steve was always trying to take ideas and turn them upside down, just like I did."

Bushnell, now 70, could have reaped even more from his relationship with Jobs if he hadn't turned down an offer from his former employee to invest $50,000 in Apple during its formative stages. Had he seized that opportunity, Bushnell would have owned one-third of Apple, which is now worth about $425 billion ? more than any other company in the world.

Bushnell's newly released book, "Finding The Next Steve Jobs: How to Find, Hire, Keep and Nurture Creative Talent," is the latest chapter in a diverse career that spans more than 20 different startups that he either launched on his own or groomed at Catalyst Technologies, a business incubator that he once ran.

He has often pursued ideas before the technology needed to support them was advanced enough to create a mass market. Bushnell financed Etak, an automobile mapping system created in 1983 by the navigator of his yacht and later sold to Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Bushnell also dabbled in electronic commerce during the 1980s by launching ByVideo, which took online orders through kiosks set up in airports and other locations. In his most costly mistake, Bushnell lost nearly all of a $28 million investment in Androbot, another 1980s-era startup. It developed 3-foot-tall robots that were supposed to serve the dual role of companion and butler. (Bushnell relied on Apple's computers to control the early models.)

Bushnell's best-known accomplishments came at Atari, which helped launch the modern video game industry with the 1972 release of "Pong," and at the Chuck E Cheese restaurant chain, which specializes in pizza, arcade entertainment and musical performances by animatronic animals. It's an odyssey that led actor Leonardo DiCaprio to obtain the film rights to Bushnell's life for a possible movie starring DiCaprio in the lead role.

While at Atari, Bushnell began to break the corporate mold, creating a template that is now common through much of Silicon Valley. He allowed employees to turn Atari's lobby into a cross between a video game arcade and the Amazon jungle. He started holding keg parties and hiring live bands to play for his employees after work. He encouraged workers to nap during their shifts, reasoning that a short rest would stimulate more creativity when they were awake. He also promised a summer sabbatical every seven years.

He advertised job openings at Atari with taglines such as, "Confusing work with play every day" and "Work harder at having fun than ever before." When job applicants came in for interviews, he would ask brain-teasing questions such as: "What is a mole?"; "Why do tracks run counter-clockwise?" and "What is the order of these numbers: 8, 5, 4, 9, 1, 7, 6, 3, 2?"

Bushnell hadn't been attracting much attention in recent years until Walter Isaacson's best-selling biography on Jobs came out in 2011, just after Jobs' death. It reminded readers of Bushnell's early ties to the man behind the Macintosh computer, iPod, iPhone and iPad.

Suddenly, everyone was asking Bushnell about what it was like to be Jobs' first boss. Publisher Tim Sanders of Net Minds persuaded him to write a book linked to Jobs, even though Bushnell had already finished writing a science fiction novel about a video game hatched through nanotechnology in 2071.

"The idea is to become a best-selling author first and then the rest of my books will be slam dunks," Bushnell said. To get his literary career rolling, Bushnell relied on veteran ghostwriter Gene Stone, who also has written other books, including "Forks Over Knives," under his own name.

Bushnell's book doesn't provide intimate details about what Jobs was like after he dropped out of Reed College in Portland, Ore., and went to work as a technician in 1974 at Atari in Los Gatos, Calif. He had two stints there, sandwiched around a trip to India. During his second stint at Atari, in 1975, Jobs worked on a "Pong" knock-off called "Breakout" with the help of his longtime friend Wozniak, who did most of the engineering work on the video game, even though he wasn't being paid by Atari. Jobs left Atari for good in 1976 when he co-founded Apple with Wozniak, who had been designing engineering calculators at Hewlett-Packard Co.

Jobs and Bushnell kept in touch. They would periodically meet over tea or during walks to hash out business ideas. After Bushnell moved to Los Angeles with his family 13 years ago, he didn't talk to Jobs as frequently, though he made a final visit about six months before he died.

There are only a few anecdotes about Bushnell's interaction with Jobs at Atari and about those meetings around Silicon Valley.

The book instead serves as a primer on how to ensure a company doesn't turn into a mind-numbing bureaucracy that smothers existing employees and scares off rule-bending innovators such as Jobs.

Bushnell dispenses his advice in vignettes that hammer on a few points. The basics: Make work fun; weed out the naysayers; celebrate failure, and then learn from it; allow employees to take short naps during the day; and don't shy away from hiring talented people just because they look sloppy or lack college credentials.

Many of these principles have become tenets in Silicon Valley's laid-back, risk-taking atmosphere, but Bushnell believes they remain alien concepts in most of corporate America.

"The truth is that very few companies would hire Steve, even today," Bushnell writes in his book. "Why? Because he was an outlier. To most potential employers, he'd just seem like a jerk in bad clothing."

Bushnell says he is worried that Apple is starting to lose the magic touch that Jobs brought to the company. It's a concern shared by many investors, who have been bailing out of Apple's stock amid tougher competition for the iPhone and the iPad and the lack of a new product line since Tim Cook became the company's CEO shortly before Jobs' death. Apple's market value has dropped by 36 percent, or about $235 billion, from its all-time high reached last September.

The incremental steps that Apple has been taking with the iPod, iPhone and iPad have been fine, Bushnell says, but not enough to prove the company is still thinking differently.

"To really maintain the cutting edge that they live on, they will have to do some radical things that resonate," Bushnell said. "They probably have three more years before they really have to do something big. I hope they are working on it right now."

Bushnell is still keeping busy himself. When he isn't writing, he is running his latest startup, Brainrush, which is trying to turn the process of learning into a game-like experience. He says he hopes to fix an educational system that he believes is "incorrect, inefficient and bureaucratic ? all the things you don't want to see in your workforce of the future."

Associated Press


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National Digest: Former Florida GOP chairman sentenced to prison (Washington Post)

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Wall Street ends flat on late buying, Cyprus woes linger

By Rodrigo Campos

NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks rebounded from early declines to close little changed on Wednesday, but investors were still worried about the chance of a run on Cypriot banks and its possible implications for other euro-zone lenders.

Financial shares fell on both sides of the Atlantic on concerns that depositors at banks in other euro-zone countries will withdraw large amounts of money. Investors are worried that the Cyprus bailout would become a template for solving banking crises in the region.

The S&P 500 fell 0.8 percent in morning trading, but in line with recent market behavior, investors took the drop as a buying opportunity. By the close, late buying had helped the S&P 500 cut most of the session's losses to end down less than a point.

The benchmark S&P 500 has traded within 10 points of its record closing high for 13 consecutive days, without once moving above the 1,565.15 level set October 9, 2007. It is on track to post its fifth consecutive month of gains.

"Any time you have a run like we've had, market participants will look for a reason to take profits," said Bruce Zaro, chief technical strategist at Delta Global Asset Management in Boston.

"But pauses in this uptrend have been short and shallow. Everybody seems to want to buy in the slightest pullback."

The KBW bank index <.bkx> fell 0.6 percent and a gauge of European banks' stocks <.sx7p> dropped 0.5 percent. The PHLX Europe sector index <.xex> declined 1.1 percent.

Cypriot banks are due to reopen on Thursday while limiting withdrawals, banning checks and curbing the use of Cypriot credit cards abroad, after being closed for almost two weeks. Uninsured deposits in Cyprus are expected to be reduced as part of the rescue deal.

The Dow Jones industrial average <.dji> fell 33.49 points or 0.23 percent, to 14,526.16 at the close. The S&P 500 <.spx> lost just 0.92 of a point, or 0.06 percent, to finish at 1,562.85. The Nasdaq Composite <.ixic> added 4.04 points or 0.12 percent, to close at 3,256.52.

Cliffs Natural Resources shares hit a four-year low of $17.95 after Morgan Stanley downgraded the miner's stock and Credit Suisse slashed its price target, citing difficulties from a surplus of iron ore pellets in the Great Lakes region.

Cliffs Natural Resources shares closed at $18.46, off 13.9 percent.

Gilead Sciences ended at a record high at $47.72, up 4.3 percent, after earlier reaching a lifetime intraday high at $47.83. Gilead's advance buoyed the Nasdaq Composite and helped the S&P 500 healthcare sector index <.spxhc> rise 0.5 percent as the best performer of the day.

Data showed contracts to buy previously owned U.S. homes fell in February, held back by a shortage of properties, but there was little to suggest that the housing market recovery was stalling.

The PHLX housing sector index <.hgx> edged up 0.12 percent.

Volume was light, with some market participants out for the observance of Passover.

About 5.1 billion shares changed hands on the New York Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq and NYSE MKT, one of the lowest volume levels so far this year, and far below the daily average so far this year of about 6.4 billion shares.

Advancers outnumbered decliners on the New York Stock Exchange by a ratio of about 8 to 7. On the Nasdaq, about 13 stocks fell for every 12 that rose.

(Reporting by Rodrigo Campos and Chuck Mikolajczak; Editing by Jan Paschal)


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Comedian Anderson still hurting from diving mishap

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) ? Comedian Louie Anderson says he's been in pain all week from a recent diving mishap during a taping of the ABC celebrity diving show "Splash."

Anderson, who weighs more than 400 pounds, was trying to do a flip from the 5-meter board when he slammed into the water, landing on his face and chest.

"If I were lying down right now, you would have to help me up," the 60-year-old Anderson said Wednesday. "It's been almost a week and it still hurts almost as much."

Anderson, who skipped diving practice Tuesday night to take the stage in Sioux Falls, S.D., for a show benefiting the Brennan Rock & Roll Academy, said he asked the "Splash" staff after the accident if he was suffering internal bleeding or damage but was told no.

"They said, 'That's your abs. You've never worked them,'" Anderson joked. "The last time I worked them was when I was struggling to get out of my mother. That was it, and I haven't worked them since."

The American version of "Splash," a surprise hit that originated in Europe, has Olympic gold medalist Greg Louganis coaching a diverse cast of celebrities that includes Detroit Lions lineman Ndamukong Suh, 2012 Miss Alabama Katherine Webb, basketball great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and former Baywatch star Nicole Eggert.

Anderson said he's not alone coming away with some bumps and bruises.

"Ndamukong Suh hit his nose. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar sprained his neck," he said. "Nicole was up on a handstand and she slammed her chest and stomach into the 5-meter board and then fell into the water ? and then, two hours later, had to do the dive on TV."

Anderson, who just learned how to swim five years ago, said he decided to give the show a try after producers showed him a clip of the Netherlands version. He said it's the most exciting thing he's ever done.

"I'm at 23 feet, diving into 17 feet of water. I'm over 400 pounds," he said. "Who doesn't want to see that? I do. I'm always shocked that I can do it."

The stand-up comedian said he's glad the show is catching on with viewers.

"I didn't have any idea if it would be a hit or not," he said. "I was either going to be inspirational or a laughingstock. So I'm lucky that some people thought I did a good job."

Anderson said he's having a lot of fun, but he's also trying to win.

"I know people don't think I have a chance, but that's how I think," he said. "Why do it if you don't do it great?"


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The 10-Year-Old Security Sink Hole Slowing the Entire Internet, Explained

The largest known hack attack of its kind?brought the Internet to a crawl for users all over the world, but don't blame the hackers ? the outage all stems from an increasingly vulnerable, decade-old security problem with the "Internet's basic plumbing" that can be easily fixed. A fight between Dutch web hosting service Cyberbunker and a spam-fighting group called Spamhaus resulted in "retaliation" attacks of the distributed denial-of-service (or DDoS) variety?on Spamhouse's servers, all of which were possible because of what's called an "open DNS." While the hackers only meant to hurt Spamhouse, the method resulted in outages for the rest of the Internet at large ? or at least millions of non-hacker users ? because Cyberpunker went through a Domain Name Server, also known as the Internet's main hub, which takes website names and turns them into the ISPs that computers can understand. Specifically, the hack worked like this,?according to?The New York Times's John Markoff and Nicole Perlroth:

In the latest incident, attackers sent messages, masquerading as ones coming from Spamhaus, to those machines, which were then amplified drastically by the servers, causing torrents of data to be aimed back at the Spamhaus computers.

Because the unusually aggressive hack ? 300 billion bits per second were being sent by a network of computers, enough to take down government infrastructure ? was initially aimed at a DNS, which hosts a bunch of Internet sites, it clogged traffic for more than just Spamhouse.?

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This type of scheming is possible in the first place, however, because of one long known hole: "Many large Internet service providers have not set up their networks to make sure that traffic leaving their networks is actually coming from their own users," explain Markoff and Perlroth. Certain DNS providers are "open," meaning they respond to queries from any ISP rather than just "authorized" clients, as cloud based web security service Cloudfare explains in this post?this post by Mathew Prince:

The problem is, many people running DNS resolvers leave them open and willing to respond to any IP address that queries them. This is a known problem that is at least 10 years old. What has happened recently is a number of distinct botnets appear to have enumerated the Internet's IP space in order to discover open resolvers. Once discovered, they can be used to launch significant DNS Amplification Attacks.

In a separate post he calls DNS the "scourge of the Internet." This hole has been known for "at least 10 years," note Markoff and Perlroth, but hackers have only started exploiting it for attacks recently. Unfortunately, the method is an increasingly popular one with increasingly powerful attacks, says Prince: "The size of these attacks will only continue to rise until all providers make a?concerted effort to close them."

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Perhaps more disconcerting than the fact that many major ISPs have a major, gaping flaw, is that once the attacks occur it's very difficult to stop their crippling effects. "You can't stop a DNS flood by shutting down those servers because those machines have to be open and public by default. The only way to deal with this problem is to find the people doing it and arrest them," security researcher Dan Kaminsky told the Times. The good news is there is a longer term solution: Close 'em up. "The best practice, if you're running a recursive DNS resolver is to ensure that it only responds to queries from authorized clients," adds Prince.?

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Image via Shutterstock by?gualtiero boffi


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Thursday, March 28, 2013

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Two St. Louis Police officers face disciplinary actions stemming from an incident in which one officer allegedly took pot from the scene of a traffic stop. Not only did the squad car's dashboard camera record what happened, but two state lawmakers were along for the ride as observers. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reveals Missouri state Sens. Jamilah Nasheed, D-St. Louis, and Maria Chappelle-Nadal, D-University City, were with officers when the incident occurred. Both lawmakers told a reporter they felt the officers did nothing wrong during the stop.


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US: University of Wyoming to Celebrate Islam Awareness Week ...

Morocco World News

New York, March 27, 2013

The Muslim Students Association (MSA) at the University of Wyoming (USA) is organizing the Islam Awareness Week on 1-6 April, 2013, a week-long event that aims to educate students and the community at large about several beliefs, traditions, and customs typical of Muslim cultures.

Hosting its annual Islam Awareness Week with a fresh outlook, MSA is proudly contributing to the diversity that the University of Wyoming enjoys. This year, several activities have been planned for the week, such as a cultural display and henna tattoos (Monday) and a panel discussion?titled ?Misconceptions on Islam? (Tuesday); one of the four panelists is Adil Bentahar, President of Muslim Students Association (MSA). Wednesday is scheduled for a movie on the Empire of Islam. Free dinner will be offered on Tuesday and Wednesday evening. On Thursday, MSA will be sharing informative documents and posters on Islam, with another evening event titled Arab-American Night, hosted by the UW Global and Area Studies and ELS. The Jumuah (Friday) prayer will be held at Washaki Center.? Non-Muslims are also encouraged to attend the Friday prayer, so that they can have a feel for this momentous ritual typical of Islam and Muslims.

Adil Bentahar, who is a PhD student from Morocco, says that one of the ?main goals set by Muslim Students Association for this year, is to reach out to the community, both on-campus and off-campus.? He explained that the Islam Awareness Week activities ?target diverse populations, such as college students, community members, middle- and high-school students and teachers, educators, and some university decision-makers,? many of whom have already confirmed their attendance.

MSA is very grateful for the trust and generous support received from several UW offices, namely the Associated Students at the University of Wyoming (Student Government), the International Scholar and Student, International Exchange Program, Islamic Center of Laramie, College of Education, and Religious Studies, as well as the Vice-President for Student Affairs office.

The very special evening of the Islam Awareness Week takes place on Saturday 6 April?at 6PM in the Union Ballroom with a?delicious?dinner and Presentation on?The Role and Status of Women in Islam. This year?s presenter is renowned scholar Dr. Jerald Dirks, a graduate of Harvard and?former minister of the United Methodist Church.

Several deans, department heads, and faculty members have confirmed their attendance, not to mention families traveling all the way to Laramie from remote cities such as Buffalo and Riverton. While the Saturday evening is planned for at least 300 people, MSA expects over 2 thirds of the audience to be non-Muslims.

As an international student who grew up in predominantly Muslim Morocco, and as MSA President, Adil emphasized the significance of the theme ?Misconceptions of Islam?, which was not arbitrary. The choice emanated from evidence that a large number of Americans know little about Islam, which is partly due to some biased media that serve political agenda. The rationale behind organizing the Islam Awareness Week is also an attempt to dismantle Islam-related stereotypes and especially make a clear distinction between what is cultural and what is Islamic.

Adil Bentahar, Morocco?s ?ambassador? to the University of Wyoming, is so excited and proud to work with such a strong team, comprised of committed MSA leaders (officers and members) who are all intent to make a difference in the community.


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1-Day ?RM0.99 .NET Domain Gila Promo? - Virtual-Strategy Magazine

Penang, Malaysia, March 28, 2013 --( Exabytes Malaysia ( ), a major web hosting provider in Malaysia will be launching its last wave of massive .NET domain promotions, ?RM0.99 .NET Domain Gila Promo? on March 31, 2013. The one-day special offer will allow customers to register their.NET domains at RM0.99 each for the first year, instead of the normal price RM55. .NET domain extension is the third most popular top-level domain in the world as in 2011 and it is open for registrations to any individuals or businesses of various types and sizes.

A web hosting provider with 11 years of solid experience in server management and web hosting and serves more than 65,000 clients in over 121 countries, Exabytes is keen on reminding offline business owners the criticalness of expanding their businesses online. ?There are now two billions Internet users in the world and not expanding your businesses online simply means forgoing these two billion users especially the younger generation as your potential customers. With Exabytes RM0.99 .NET Gila Promo, your entry into the online business world costs you less than a Ringgit,? CEO of Exabytes Mr. Chan Kee Siak was quoted as saying.

According to Mr. Chan, the benefits of expanding a business online can be summarized as:

Global business reach - unlimited business growth
24?7 business ? no time constraints
Low start-up cost
Low operating cost - no retail sales personnel, monthly rent, utility expenses are needed
Lower advertising costs online - online advertisements are much cheaper compared to offline advertisements
Provide the most competitive price - since plenty of costs and time are saved, it gives business owners the price edge over their competitors
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?Besides, to protect the privacy of domain registrants, we strongly encourage our customers to sign up for WHOIS ID Protection during domain registration to prevent spammers from obtaining their contact information. Many domain owners already realized that once they register a domain, their contact information is made available to the public on the Internet. But the fact is, you can request your contact information to be hidden from the public by signing up for WHOIS ID Protection, which is only RM12.90 per year,? Chan added.

?RM0.99 .NET Domain Gila Promo? is a one-day-only promotion valid on March 31, 2013. The purchase of domains is however, based on first comes first served basis and the promotion ends when a total of 100 domains are sold off. For details on the promotion and registrations of domains, visit:

Exabytes Malaysia
A web hosting provider that currently serves more than 65,000 clients in over 121 countries and manages over 1,000 servers, Exabytes has 11 years of solid experience in server management and web hosting. Its commitments to customers include 24x7x365 professional technical support, 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee, 100-Day Money Back, friendly customer service team, 99.9% Network Uptime and 99.5% Server Uptime Guarantee.

For partner benefits and details of other promotions and products of Exabytes Singapore which include shared web hosting, dedicated server hosting, reseller hosting, cloud hosting, SSL web certificate, Virtual Private Servers (VPS), Content Delivery Network (CDN), server management, Ebuzz Email/Voice/SMS Marketing, Kaspersky Hosted Email Security, TRUSTe Privacy Services, Server Co-location, student hosting, charity hosting, online shopping mall and hosted eCommerce platform (, domain registrations, website design, company logo design, Facebook fan page design, etc, visit or email

Contact Information:
Exabytes Malaysia
Sanz Teoh
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Click here to read the full story: 1-Day ?RM0.99 .NET Domain Gila Promo? from Exabytes

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Restrictive Medicaid eligibility criteria associated with higher rates of delayed medical care

Restrictive Medicaid eligibility criteria associated with higher rates of delayed medical care [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Mar-2013
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Contact: Tom Langford
Brigham and Women's Hospital

Trend is especially prevalent in Florida and Texas

Boston Effective health screening and preventive care is known to reduce health care costs and improve health outcomes, yet new research from Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) shows that restrictive Medicaid policies are associated with patients delaying needed medical care due to cost. States and counties with the most restrictive Medicaid eligibility criteria (where individuals must be far below the federal poverty level to qualify for Medicaid) have the highest rates of delayed care. This research appears in the March 28, 2013 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

"The causes of delaying care are complex. States with restrictive Medicaid policies need to review their strategies for improving access to care," said Cheryl Clark, MD, ScD, a co-author of the research and the director of Health Equity Research and Intervention in the Center for Community Health and Health Equity at BWH.

Specifically, the research found:

  • States with the most restrictive Medicaid eligibility requirements have higher rates of patients delaying needed medical care.
  • Regions with the highest rates of delayed medical care are in the southeast, specifically Florida and Texas.
  • Across the United States, Hispanics are at a higher risk for delaying needed medical care.
  • Patients are less likely to delay needed medical care in regions with a greater concentration of primary care providers, such as New England.

"Solving this problem will take more than just a Medicaid expansion," said Jennifer Haas, MD, MSPH, a co-author of the research and a primary care physician at BWH. "The states and counties that have been successful in reducing their rates of delayed care have been able to increase the number of primary care physicians, reduce eligibility barriers for Hispanic patients and generally increase access to health care."


This research was supported by grant UL1 RR 025758-01 from the National Institutes of Health and grant K08 AG 032357 from the National Institute on Aging.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Restrictive Medicaid eligibility criteria associated with higher rates of delayed medical care [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Mar-2013
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Contact: Tom Langford
Brigham and Women's Hospital

Trend is especially prevalent in Florida and Texas

Boston Effective health screening and preventive care is known to reduce health care costs and improve health outcomes, yet new research from Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) shows that restrictive Medicaid policies are associated with patients delaying needed medical care due to cost. States and counties with the most restrictive Medicaid eligibility criteria (where individuals must be far below the federal poverty level to qualify for Medicaid) have the highest rates of delayed care. This research appears in the March 28, 2013 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

"The causes of delaying care are complex. States with restrictive Medicaid policies need to review their strategies for improving access to care," said Cheryl Clark, MD, ScD, a co-author of the research and the director of Health Equity Research and Intervention in the Center for Community Health and Health Equity at BWH.

Specifically, the research found:

  • States with the most restrictive Medicaid eligibility requirements have higher rates of patients delaying needed medical care.
  • Regions with the highest rates of delayed medical care are in the southeast, specifically Florida and Texas.
  • Across the United States, Hispanics are at a higher risk for delaying needed medical care.
  • Patients are less likely to delay needed medical care in regions with a greater concentration of primary care providers, such as New England.

"Solving this problem will take more than just a Medicaid expansion," said Jennifer Haas, MD, MSPH, a co-author of the research and a primary care physician at BWH. "The states and counties that have been successful in reducing their rates of delayed care have been able to increase the number of primary care physicians, reduce eligibility barriers for Hispanic patients and generally increase access to health care."


This research was supported by grant UL1 RR 025758-01 from the National Institutes of Health and grant K08 AG 032357 from the National Institute on Aging.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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