Saturday, January 19, 2013

OK- Be Honest... Do You Tell or Don't You?

OK-Be Honest-Do You Tell or Don?t You?

Have you ever written a post that you really worked hard on raised hands
and thought.. ?Hey- this is good enough for a Feature. ? ?

Raise your hand. ?Come on.. raise them. Now for those of you who didn?t (because all of your feature worthy posts get featured) ?move on .. this is probably not for you. ??We?re probably lining up to t-paper your house anyway, so feel free to move to another post (I jest... please stay.)

This post is not about points and how many you get for a feature or who actually features a post (I haven?t a clue).... it?s not about how to get featured either. ?

I?ve posed this question before and as in other questions such as this I don?t think there?s a right or wrong answer. ??At first I didn?t want to tell someone that I had featured their post because I didn?t want to appear as if I were saying ?Look what a nice thing I did for you!?

On the other hand, saying to someone that you thought their post was feature worthy is somewhat like giving them a Pat on the Back! ?

The truth is not every post that is ?Feature Worthy? gets Featured computerand of course ?we know the converse of that.

When I write a post and someone tells me they suggested it or that they thought it was feature worthy... I?ll take it! ?I?m not proud. ??I am not someone that can crank out a post in 15 minutes. ?I work hard on the presentation, topic, links, etc. ?Granted I still have the occasional ?oops? misspelling or grammatical goof. ?

So for those of you who have told me that you have suggested my post or ?ilened? then I thank you. ??And to those of you whose post I suggested I did it to let you know just that... your post is feature-worthy.

Your thoughts?




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