Friday, March 9, 2012

San Antonio Chiropractic Doctor Assists Locals Suffering With Hip ...

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

About a quarter of the population aged sixty and over suffer from hip osteoarthritis. The condition can progress to a point where it causes chronic pain and disability. A San Antonio chiropractor has developed safe, non-invasive techniques to help local hip osteoarthritis patients. Her therapy programs aim to alleviate hip pain and aids in the prevention of joint degeneration.

Osteoarthritis of the hip is caused by deterioration of cartilage which covers bones in the hip joint. It often develops over time, simply due to wear-and-tear. It can also be the consequence of disease or trauma such as a dislocation. The condition is associated with obesity, as excess weight puts stress on the joints.

The earliest sign of hip osteoarthritis is usually waking up with stiff muscles in the thighs or groin. Over time, pain develops in the area and gradually becomes more persistent. Cold weather and walking any distance can aggravate the discomfort. The hip joint?s range of motion decreases, resulting in limited mobility and, in some cases, a limp.

When a patient with hip pain visits the chiropractic clinic, they are thoroughly assessed. The doctor starts by going over their symptoms and medical history. Next, the patient is examined and given orthopedic tests. The chiropractor then assesses their flexibility, muscle strength, and posture. Results of the assessment are used to develop an individualized therapy plan.

The goals of the initial stage of the program are to enhance range of motion, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. The chiropractor uses precise manual adjustments to increase joint functionality and mobilize the hip. Tight, sore muscles are soothed with gentle massage. Therapies involving cold or heat may also be applied.

After pain has eased and inflammation has subsided, hip osteoarthritis patients begin rehabilitation. The San Antonio chiropractor instructs them in stretching exercises they can do at home to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility. They are also taught simple lifestyle modifications to help manage their condition.

Chiropractic care alleviates hip pain quickly, safely and naturally. You will find information about the best San Antonio chiropractor at right now.

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