Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The latest reality TV show from Beverly Hills; still arguing over the bullet train in California; and a healthcare law foe files for bankruptcy, with unpaid medical bills

That's entertainment

Re "Beverly Hills reality of 'Shahs' is worlds away from Iran," March 8

While negative associations should rightfully concern well-behaved Persian Americans, those whose value system is defined by disliking ants and ugly people ? perhaps we should be glad the young woman's list is this short ? are deplorable, irrespective of their ethnic or cultural background.

Congratulations to the producers of"Shahs of Sunset"for further expansion of a successful formula by giving an audience what it claims not to want and will likely watch anyway. We can only expect the same debased behavior and huge ratings that "Jersey Shore" gets for its network ? along with "Tehrangeles" soon becoming part of the popular lexicon.

Phillip Hain


I would like to counter this impression of Beverly Hills High School with one of the hundreds and hundreds of hardworking students.

I taught there for many years. Among those who were not caught up in materialism, I recall several who devoted much of their junior and senior years to raising funds for and awareness of the tragedy in Darfur.

The curriculum was demanding and the sports program outstanding. Inquiry, study and sportsmanship were emphasized.

I think that materialism comes from the home rather than the school.

Lynne Shapiro

Marina del Rey

Golnesa Gharachedaghi says she doesn't like ugly people.

Only an ugly-on-the-inside person would make such a statement.

Keith Schoose

Long Beach

Divided by a bullet train

Re "A collision of visions," March 8

Boy, the opponents to the bullet train have it right.

I would not like to live like a European and take a comfortable, fast train to work each day.

Source: http://feeds.latimes.com/~r/latimes/features/health/~3/Q5NcCqPeBFs/la-le-0312-monday-20120311,0,256039.story

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