Friday, February 22, 2013

Ding Zhaochen: the Features and Expression ... - CAFA ART INFO

Fuerza Bruta, A Modern Opera of Performance From Argentina (03), 2005

Abstraction: In these digital times, it is common that there is a combination of new media with performance, creating a lot of new stage performances. A lot of projections are taken place on the stage, and the application and development of a variety of imaging systems, which promote the stage performance to be brilliant with the effects of technology and art.

Keywords: new media, performing art, projection, entertainment

The CCTV Evening Party of the Spring Festival in 2012 was really highlighted with brilliant lighting effects, ambitious stage scenes, as well as the applications of the most prominent innovation: the stagecraft of a combination of 3D projections and virtual images ? from the deep green in the valley with clouds in a 3D effect, projected on a background in the dance ?Peacock Love? by Yang Liping, to ?Legend of New Year?s Eve?, a fighting performance of interaction with ink and wash animation by Han Geng, from the blue sky and white clouds spreading to the top of the studio hall in ?Hometown Cloud?, performed by Fei Xiang, to the Great Wall projected onto the full stage in the ?My Chinese Heart? by Zhang Mingmin, from the robot in ?Toy Story? by Harbin Institute of Technology and the panoramic electronic music background dancing to music, to the ?Tree of Life? displaying vividly on a huge LED, in a crystal ball stunt ?Think Fondly? by Hu Qizhi, all of which show the infinite charm of the perfect combination of performing arts and technology, and digital image and stage. In fact, it is technology that has brought a new vitality and performance to stage, it is also the performing arts of the new media that brings the audience brilliant stage effects.

What is Performing Arts of the New Media? In brief, it is the performing art works that are composed of new media and performing arts. There is a wide range of performing arts, including theater, dance, acrobatics, magic, etc., as well as drama, opera, musicals and ballet, they all belong to the performing arts. New technology and new performance are collectively referred to as new media. The performing arts created by new technology or new performance style are called New Media performing Arts.

I Features of New Media for Performing Arts

In the new media performance, the projection technology is most widely used, and there are not only two-dimensional images but also three-dimensional ones on the projection. The performances such as the interactive performance of hip-hop in Taipei created by an art group from Taiwan, and the performance by Kagemu, an artist from Japan, leads two-dimensional images onto their performances. In the interactive performance, an actor dances together with the projection of virtual images, which really highlights a person along with different groups of people. The content is prearranged, and the actor plays with the projection figures through stepping on a point-in-time, dancing according to the designed dance. The performance of the Japanese artist Kagemu seems to be a live TV screen performance. There are a lot of animated image projections, such as monsters, robots, etc., through the projections, an artist transforms himself into a superhero, with the capability of emitting light and a pair of wings, which can launch shock waves? in the performance, he fights against the animated images of his ?super power?, and finally defeats the monsters to become the winner. It combines the elements of modern dance, martial arts, and animation, etc., creating a performing stage into a cartoon-style.

3D projection is also applied extensively on the stage. It mainly imitates realistic scenes and objects, so that the stage shows a three-dimensional real space, such as the petals swaying in the wind, the flowing river, and the fluttering clouds, on the other hand, it produces virtual figures, such as a concert of the holographic virtual idol Hatsune in Japan, which uses 3d projection technology to create a three-dimensional image of a cartoon character ? Hatsune, singing on the stage and talking and blinking her eyes like a real person, with the capability to communicate with the band on stage, and to interact with the audience. In addition, in 2006, Alexander McQueen, a famous British fashion designer used holographic imaging technology on his fashion catwalk platform, placing the 3d image of Kate Moss on the stage: wearing a white dress, Kate Moss suspended in the air, slowly rotating, folded hem waving, as beautiful as a wizard sleeping in the water. 3D projection technology leads stage performances to become more dreamy and beautiful.

In addition, some special dresses often appear in the performances of the new media. These clothes are equipped with LED lights, worn by an actor, emitting different lights. There are also some clothes that can adjust in size, color and brightness, according to the physical movement of the actors. Zola Jesus, an American singer, wore a giant ?collar? of LED lights at the performance of the Guggenheim Museum, San Francisco in 2012. The ?collar? is made by a skeletal structure and film materials, therein equipped with LED lights. Its shape is beautiful, and like a giant conch, around Zola Jesus?s neck, like jellyfish emitting beautiful white light, elegant and pure. In the ?Abnormal Noise?, a performance of tap dancing, created by a Taiwan dance factory in 2010, there is a gown with LED lights, emitting white and red lights, while the white one is soft and warm, flashing and vivid, is a symbol of love and the throbbing red is a glare and magnificent, like a puffer bulging thorn that hits throughout the stage, expressing pain and a struggle.

Artists often add some special installations in the new media performances, to complete their performances. These installations are specially designed, the mechanical equipment custom-made for the stage art. In 2011, Chunky Move, a modern Australian dance company created a new media dance ?Connected 2011?, with the use of a purely mechanical installation of wooden structure. It could work through a structure capable to be spun in lines. It is called ?motion sculpture? by Chunky Move, which is made from multiple recycled wooden blocks, connected by camshafts and wheels, The gaps between each part of fine design, the completion of the mutual coupling motion. In 2012, Bj?rk, a singer from Iceland, made use of a lot of new media arts in her concert ?Biophilia?, including a series of unique musical instruments: a 10-foot-tall harp, a digital organ refitted with Mailan brass sheets jointed together, as well as two groups of Tesla musical coils.

II Introduction of the Cases of New media Performance Art

?Interactive Performance In Taipei 2006?

By artists from Taiwan, China

Premiere location: Taipei, Taiwan, China

The works featured on the 1st Taipei Digital Art Festival. It was divided into four parts: opening, hip-hop, a display of motion capturing art and the final part. At the beginning, actors played the drums, the sound of which interacted with the projections on the floor, the projections change according to the change of the sound and speed of the drum, in the hip-hop, the actor interacted with the projected figures, performing a competition of dance; in the final part, dancers performed with instruments, which were able to trace the motion of the dancers and created light patterns, finally there was a show of the interaction between dancers and the projections on the floor.

?Black Sun 2009?

By Kagemu from Japan

Premiere country: Japan

Kagemu sees stage as a screen from TV or theater, dressed in white, standing in front of the white screen, the actor performs in cooperation with a variety of images projected on the screen. The story is mainly composed of three parts, firstly an account of the dancer?s identity, secondly Kagemu wrangles with the devil spirit, transformation of his shadow, thirdly he fights with a giant monster like a spider?s body and skull head and eventually victory. At the beginning there is a black-and-white image of the ridge and rising sun, a group of cranes slowly flying over. Followed by the sound of beating drums, a dancer begins to demonstrate the martial art, the projections become deformation and displacement of geometry according to the stimulation of energy, the dancer slowly transforms the accumulated energy into energy balls and lines, even shattering walls, the projection is the image of the fallen surfaces of the broken wall, secondly the dancer fights with the evil spirits, a wall collapses with the transition. A dancer separates from his shadow, the shadow transforming into a black incarnation, fighting with the dancer on the same stage, the defeated shadow reverses the contour to the upper edge of the white background, then deforming into a group of blackbirds, rushing into the lens, the actor fights with these evil spirits, succeeding and growing black wings, expanding the huge wings covering the whole stage, thirdly, the stage is dark, holding green fluorescent nunchuck, the dancer fights with a green fluorescent giant monster of a spider body and skull head, and eventually victorious with the bright sun behind his body.

?The Animals and the Children Took to the Street 2010?

The dramatic type: musicalAuthor: (UK theatre company 1927)

Premiere country: Australia

Premiere location: Sydney Opera House in Sydney

This is a crazy story that happens at the apartment in the slums of the estuary. In the evening, all the children and animals would run rampant on the streets. The protagonist was the gatekeeper of the estuary apartment and a mother and daughter, who were the newcomers. In order to leave the estuary apartment without a social status, the gatekeeper saved up money to buy a one-way train ticket. One day a young mother moved to the apartment with her daughter, and the gatekeeper secretly loved her. On the other hand, the children in the apartment took to the streets to assembly for sabotage in order to resist the unfair treatment of the poor diverted from the urban areas. Once a day they took to the street during the day, destructing city park, which only the upper class was allowed to enter in, and was also the mayor?s private social location. Thus the children were captured and forced to eat candy, which would destroy the human?s brain, leading humans to be unresponsive, and without self-consciousness. The daughter of the newcomers was taken too. The gatekeeper bought a ticket to the prison with the money he saved to rescue her and other kids. Finally the children were rescued, and the estuary apartment restored to its former calm, the children become restless, while the mother and her child moved out. The gatekeeper continued to stay in the estuary apartment, working hard for the next one-way ticket.

Zola Jesus?s live performances in Guggenheim Museum in San Francisco

Performance type: live concertModeling designers: Jenni Hensler

Premiere time: May, 2012

Premiere country: USA

Premiered Location: Guggenheim Museum, San Francisco

This was a special performance at the Guggenheim Museum, San Francisco on May, 2012, by Zola Jesus. With a white dress, Zola Jesus wearing a spiral ?collar? of LED lights during the performance. In addition to building its design, the winding collar is also based on something like a gold split series, nautilus shell shape in nature, as well as marine life such as the glowing jellyfish. The glowing LED collar, and her white dress were lining her like a real blonde angel.

?Abnormal Sound 2010?

Performing type: American tap dance

Author: Dance factory (Taiwan)

Premiere time: ?Abnormal Sound 2010?: December 25, 2010

?Abnormal Sound + 2011?: June 25-26, 2011, Experimental Theatre, National Chiang Kai-shek Cultural Center

Premiere country: China

Premiere location: Taiwan

This is an American tap dance performance, including the use of new media technology and the dress of LED lights, through some new media technology such as the equipment of sound loop effect, sensors of light and vibration, it transformed the rhythm of the tap dancer to be the digital, transmitting the rich and diverse electronic sound and the change of light lines? colors, with vagaries texture of the live music and unrestrained dance, creating a stage for an atom to soar.

?Connected 2011? (60 minutes)

Dramatic type: dance

Author: Chunkymove, Australia modern dance company (Australia)

Premiere time: March 11-20, 2011

Premiere country: Australia

Premiere venue: Merlyn Theatre, The CUB Malthouse, Melbourne

This is a new media dance created by Chunkymove, Australia modern dance company in 2011.

The specialty was by placing a huge motion sculpture on the stage, it completes the show by interacting with the dancer. The giant sculpture was composed of multiple recycled wooden blocks, connected by camshafts and wheels, the gaps between each part of fine design, the completion of the mutual coupling motion. In the performance of ?Connected 2011?, a huge living sculpture was hung in the air at the center of the stage, being able to freely elevate and move down, and at the same time, due to it was construction of fragmented blocks, it could freely transform the plain structure of the main body.

Singer Bj?rk used a refitted instrument in her concert ?Biological Love? (Biophilia)

Performing type: live

Author: Andy Cavatorta and engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)

Premiere time: February 2012

Premiere country: US

Premiere locations: New York Hall of Science, and Roseland Ballroom, New York

?Biophilia? is the concert of Bj?rk, a singer from Iceland in 2012, and there are ten continuous nights of performances at New York Hall of Science, and Roseland Ballroom at February. She makes use of a lot of new media arts, including a series of unique musical instruments: a 10-foot-tall harp, a digital organ refitted with Mailan brass sheets jointing into it, and two groups of Tesla music coils, as well as the mixed visual effects of stage in the program of Biophilia. Included in this, ?Gravity Harps? a huge harp designed for her concert by the American artist Andy Cavatorta and his team, it is a combination of a pendulum and an harp, ten feet high. She hopes that the pendulum is capable of exhibiting a feeling of notes, to convey the idea of ?music, so that designer and electronic technicians combine the harp and pendulum together, to create a special instrument through this transformation.

?While Going To A Condition 2002? (23 min.)

Performing type: modern dance

Author: Hiroaki Umeda (Japan)

Premiere time: 2002

Premiere country: Japan

Premiere location: Landmark Hall, Yokohama

Hiroaki Umeda thought that his own physical appearance was just one of the elements of various phenomena. Therefore, in this work, he appeared in a standing silhouette, the geometrics of interwoven black and white stripes were projected onto the screen behind him, interacting with the electronic music. The motions flowing on the body of the soloist, as if the current echoes the pulsating electronic music, constantly accumulating energy, motion starting from the feet moving to the legs then bending and becoming deformed, and then to the body like flexible rubber.

III SummaryThe performing arts of the new media are flourishing and developing, artists from different countries introduce different technology such as projections and LED lights to the performing arts, leading to a richer and more brilliant stage effects.

By means of the new media, it is a starting point for the combination of performing arts, technology and image, the stage is created to become another fantastical space.

Works Cited

Chu Chu. ?Burst and limitations: exploration of new media video in theatrical stage. Art and Design(theory), vol. 2010.08

Yuan Lianbo. ?About Hallucinatory and theatricality on the Performances of Drama ? Discussion on ?Illusion? between Huang Zuolin and Ma Ye?. Dramatic Art. Vol. 2004.03

Wang Weiyu, Interaction of Art and Stage Design by the Transmutation in the Dimension. Shanghai Theatre Academy, 2005

Xu Peng, etc. ?New Media Art Theory?. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2008.

Kellner Douglas. Media Culture: Identity of Cultural Study and Politic Between the Modern and Postmodern?. Commercial Press, 2004

The views expressed in this column are the author?s own and do not represent those of CAFA ART INFO.

Translated by Chen Peihua and edited by Sue/CAFA ART INFO

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Selling My Book at

by Frank Li

On November 30, 2012, I published my first ebook: Saving America, Chinese Style at, priced at $9.95.

Here is the sales data so far:

Follow up:

What happened on 2/10/2013? I set it free for just one day!

Like many new things in life, book publishing and selling has been a great learning experience for me. Here is what I learned over the past few months:

  1. Ebook technology represents the future of book publishing, selling, and reading.

  2. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

  3. Is it possible to make money via book publishing and selling?

Let me elaborate these three issues one by one.

1. Ebook technology represents the future

We live in a digital age, with [almost] everything available on-line. This is good for most of us. Two examples:

  1. I could not have written the book without the vast amount of information available on-line. Nor could I have published it without an on-line store like

  2. Ebook technology is a great technology. It will make life better for most of us, or it will not survive!

2. The more things change, the more they remain the same

Three points:

  1. Yes, writing and publishing has become much easier, but selling remains as hard as before. To be a best-selling author, you must write an excellent book first and have good fortune in selling! For example, there are now paid "reviewers" who will give any book high ratings for a price.

  2. Money talks. In this day and age, many people expect many things to be free, totally! History is littered with "starving artists" and "starving authors". It has become even worse in the digital age. Still wondering why and how so many newspapers are out of business? Wonder not - People do not want to pay for them anymore, when the same news is available on-line, free of charge!

  3. People will still pay for things that they find of value! For example, can you spell Harry Potter?

3. Is it possible to make money via book publishing and selling?

Yes, but it's very hard!

Nevertheless, as a businessman, I am certain that there are people making money in good times as well as in bad times. You just have to be ahead, or outside, of the pack, which in this case, simply means to write an exceptionally good book, and to market it with creativity!

Speaking of marketing with creativity, I am also certain that I will not offer my book free of charge again. Why not? Because it will not provide any benefit in the long run, just as the government "stimulating" the economy by printing money - It provides a short-term relief at the expense of huge harm in the long-run, in addition to being addictive!

4. Why am I writing and selling a book?

Two main reasons:

  1. As a concrete way to thank America, my adopted country.

  2. As a new challenge in life!

If I can't meet the challenge of selling a book entitled "Saving America, Chinese Style", how can I possibly address "saving America, any style"?

Oh, in case you are unaware, I do not write for a living ("Amen")! I am an entrepreneur and a businessman: I treat everything as a business, including saving America with my pen (or keyboard, to be precise).

I believe a pen can be as mighty as any medicine (e.g. a la Thomas Jefferson) or WMD (e.g. a la Karl Marx). The digital age will only make it more beneficial or deadly.

5. How is the book selling after the 2/10/2013 promotion?

I will report about it in a few weeks ...

6. Closing

If you are reasonably intelligent, you should know that America is deeply in trouble. If you are minimally patriotic, you should help find a solution!

My book has the best diagnosis for America as well as the best solution! Any doubt? Read the book and then write your own review, 1-star or 5-star, at!


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Rookie MKs Planning to Launch Knesset Beis - Yeshiva World News

Rookie MKs Planning to Launch Knesset Beis Medrash

(Thursday, February 21st, 2013)

When Yesh Atid MK Dr. Ruth Calderon delivered her first Knesset address which included a Gemara shiur some MKs smiled, others were astounded and others displeased. What they did agree on is the PhD in Talmud from Bar Ilan University was a different kind of MK, and it appears they were correct.

Together with fellow rookie MKs Rabbi Shai Peron (Yesh Atid) Yoni Chetboun (Bayit HaYehudi) Elazar Stern (The Movement), Calderon is planning to launch a new Knesset beis medrash. This beis medrash will provide a place for elected officials to sit and learn, or to participate in weekly shiurim which they plan to give on Tuesdays. Other MKs will also be invited to give classes and participate in the weekly program.

The chareidim haven?t yet indicated if they will be participating.

(YWN ? Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Biological Anthropology Field Experiences Web Survey: Now Live

Field experiences are often what help an undergraduate decide whether or not to pursue biological anthropology, they determine the course of a graduate student?s dissertation, and they provide the data needed to launch grants and make tenure cases for faculty. Yet, because field experiences often occur in remote places, far from our universities, entirely different sets of norms may dictate our behavior and interactions with our peers.

Many biological anthropologists have begun to discuss the climate of their field sites, and how to create norms that are more welcoming, based on these two pseudonymous accounts of sexual harassment (here and here). While these private and public conversations have been productive, we want to open up the conversation more. We want to get a sense of the scope of the problem of the many different field experiences people have, in order to begin to move towards solutions.

We (Kate Clancy, Katie Hinde, Robin Nelson and Julienne Rutherford) invite you to participate in our Biological Anthropology Field Experiences Web Survey. The Biological Anthropology Field Experiences Web Survey is designed to solicit input on the ways in which fieldwork does or does not provide a safe scholarly and research environment for all. Rather than determining the total number of instances, or percentage risk of a negative experience, our interest is in gathering stories to inform Field Directors, faculty mentors, and other researchers and students on the scope of the problem, and identify some of the main contributory factors to a negative environment, both to encourage improvement and to identify future areas for research.

If you?re over 18 and have ever done research or been a student at a bio anthro field site, please take 20 minutes to fill out our survey.You can indicate interest at the end in participating in a follow-up phone interview. You can also enter the lottery at the end for a 1 in 10 chance of winning a $25 Amazon gift card.

We hope the results of this research will stimulate a broader conversation about mentoring, fieldwork, and support of students and peers. We believe this research has enormous benefit to the discipline, as creating a safer space for research will encourage more diverse people to pursue science, and more diverse perspectives.

Thank you so much and we look forward to hearing from you. Please make sure to share and distribute this among people you know who would benefit from sharing their experiences in the field.


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International collaboration seeks to develop noninvasive quantum electron microscope

International collaboration seeks to develop noninvasive quantum electron microscope [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 21-Feb-2013
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Contact: Genny Biggs
Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation

Moving closer to creating a microscope that can peer through atoms and molecules without disturbing them, leading physics researchers have joined together with support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to launch an international collaboration to lay the groundwork for the development of a novel quantum electron microscope.

The $4 million, three-and-a-half-year effort will be spearheaded by Dr. Mark Kasevich at Stanford, Dr. Peter Hommelhoff at The Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Drs. Fatih Yanik and Karl Berggren at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Dr. Pieter Kruit at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. The research groups will work together to demonstrate interaction-free measurements with electrons, which, if successful, would form the basic principles for future development of an electron microscope with the potential to yield important discoveries in many areas of science.

The theory was first proposed by Dr. Yanik's team at MIT in a paper for Physical Review Rapid Communications in October 2009 (Phys Rev A 80, 040902(R) 2009). This new international collaboration will begin testing the theory, making significant strides towards its realization.

"The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's Science Program seeks to support high-impact scientific research, and we see this project as exactly that kind of opportunity," said Vicki Chandler, chief program officer for Science at Moore. "We expect that the work this team is doing will enable exciting new science through technology, and the scientists will acquire fundamental new knowledge in quantum mechanics and manipulation of electrons."

Although light and electron microscopes have shaped our modern understanding of biologywith discoveries as fundamental as the eukaryotic cell, bacteria and viruses, to name just a fewmajor barriers to answering fundamental biological questions remain, including the inability to visualize molecules interacting within living cells. The light microscope can image living things, but not at molecular resolution. The electron microscope, on the other hand, can image molecules and atoms, but cannot be used to study live samples due to the intense radiation the sample is exposed to. A quantum electron microscope, however, promises to overcome these deficiencies in current imaging technologies by allowing scientists to peer into living cells at molecular resolution without radiation damage, dramatically expanding our understanding of how cells work.

Recent advances in the quantum-level control of electrons open the door to development of an electron microscope based on non-destructive quantum measurement principles. These instruments may enable real-time, non-destructive imaging of biological samples. A three-year, coordinated program to develop the foundational ideas in support of this technology will involve each university team taking parallel but distinct technical and scientific approaches.

Throughout its history, science has relied on technical advances and surges in new knowledge that have offered researchers unexpected breakthroughsand new questions. The quantum electron microscope will offer transformational new approaches, with the potential for an enduring impact on fundamental physics, engineering and biology.


About TU Delft

Delft University of Technology was founded in 1842 and with its 3300 scientists and 19000 students from 100 nationalities is still the largest in the Netherlands. Ranked among the top universities of technology in the world TU Delft's research and education are backed by outstanding facilities in areas such as nanotechnology. Activities in the Faculty of Applied Sciences range from fundamental research on life at the nanoscale to pursuing innovations in physics instrumentation in close cooperation with industry.

About the Research Laboratory of Electronics

The Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE), MIT's leading entrepreneurial interdisciplinary research organization, provides a collaborative and vibrant intellectual community for more than 600 researchers. Through RLE faculty, the Laboratory has made significant discoveries over the years in various areas including Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and High-Definition Television (HDTV), and has celebrated achievements such as a Physics Nobel Prize win and the emergence of Bose Corporation. Originally rooted in the exploration of Airborne Radar, RLE aims to create a stimulating and supportive environment for visionary and diverse research, and strategically deploys resources to achieve excellence in research and education, and to support translation of engineering innovations to application technologies that are relevant to today and critical to tomorrow.

About the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics

Research at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics explores the interaction of light and quantum systems, exploiting the two extreme regimes of the wave-particle duality of light and matter. For more information, please see

About Stanford Physics

Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, Stanford University is recognized as one of the world's leading research and teaching institutions. Leland and Jane Stanford founded the University to "promote the public welfare by exercising an influence on behalf of humanity and civilization." Stanford opened its doors in 1891, and more than a century later, it remains dedicated to finding solutions to the great challenges of the day and to preparing our students for leadership in today's complex world. Stanford Physics is a teaching and research department. Undergraduates, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are mentored and involved in research in astrophysics, cosmology, particle physics, atomic and laser physics, and condensed matter physics. The department enjoys close connections to Applied Physics and departments at SLAC.

About the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, established in 2000, seeks to advance environmental conservation, patient care and scientific research. Believing in the inherent value of science and the sense of awe that discovery inspires, the Foundation's Science Program invests in the development of new technologies, supports the world's top scientists and brings together partnerships with the aim to transform, push the boundaries ofand even createentire fields of scientific research. For more information, please visit

Prof. Pieter Kruit
Delft University of Technology
Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft
The Netherlands
Phone +31 (0)15-2785197

Prof. Mehmet Fatih Yanik
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Phone: 617-253-1583
E-mail: yanik@MIT.EDU

Prof. Karl Berggren
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Phone: 617.324.0272
E-mail: berggren@MIT.EDU

Prof. Peter Hommelhoff
Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics
Phone: +49 89 32905 265

Prof. Mark Kasevich
Physics Dept.
Stanford University
Phone: 650-723-4356

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International collaboration seeks to develop noninvasive quantum electron microscope [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 21-Feb-2013
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Contact: Genny Biggs
Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation

Moving closer to creating a microscope that can peer through atoms and molecules without disturbing them, leading physics researchers have joined together with support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to launch an international collaboration to lay the groundwork for the development of a novel quantum electron microscope.

The $4 million, three-and-a-half-year effort will be spearheaded by Dr. Mark Kasevich at Stanford, Dr. Peter Hommelhoff at The Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Drs. Fatih Yanik and Karl Berggren at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Dr. Pieter Kruit at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. The research groups will work together to demonstrate interaction-free measurements with electrons, which, if successful, would form the basic principles for future development of an electron microscope with the potential to yield important discoveries in many areas of science.

The theory was first proposed by Dr. Yanik's team at MIT in a paper for Physical Review Rapid Communications in October 2009 (Phys Rev A 80, 040902(R) 2009). This new international collaboration will begin testing the theory, making significant strides towards its realization.

"The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's Science Program seeks to support high-impact scientific research, and we see this project as exactly that kind of opportunity," said Vicki Chandler, chief program officer for Science at Moore. "We expect that the work this team is doing will enable exciting new science through technology, and the scientists will acquire fundamental new knowledge in quantum mechanics and manipulation of electrons."

Although light and electron microscopes have shaped our modern understanding of biologywith discoveries as fundamental as the eukaryotic cell, bacteria and viruses, to name just a fewmajor barriers to answering fundamental biological questions remain, including the inability to visualize molecules interacting within living cells. The light microscope can image living things, but not at molecular resolution. The electron microscope, on the other hand, can image molecules and atoms, but cannot be used to study live samples due to the intense radiation the sample is exposed to. A quantum electron microscope, however, promises to overcome these deficiencies in current imaging technologies by allowing scientists to peer into living cells at molecular resolution without radiation damage, dramatically expanding our understanding of how cells work.

Recent advances in the quantum-level control of electrons open the door to development of an electron microscope based on non-destructive quantum measurement principles. These instruments may enable real-time, non-destructive imaging of biological samples. A three-year, coordinated program to develop the foundational ideas in support of this technology will involve each university team taking parallel but distinct technical and scientific approaches.

Throughout its history, science has relied on technical advances and surges in new knowledge that have offered researchers unexpected breakthroughsand new questions. The quantum electron microscope will offer transformational new approaches, with the potential for an enduring impact on fundamental physics, engineering and biology.


About TU Delft

Delft University of Technology was founded in 1842 and with its 3300 scientists and 19000 students from 100 nationalities is still the largest in the Netherlands. Ranked among the top universities of technology in the world TU Delft's research and education are backed by outstanding facilities in areas such as nanotechnology. Activities in the Faculty of Applied Sciences range from fundamental research on life at the nanoscale to pursuing innovations in physics instrumentation in close cooperation with industry.

About the Research Laboratory of Electronics

The Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE), MIT's leading entrepreneurial interdisciplinary research organization, provides a collaborative and vibrant intellectual community for more than 600 researchers. Through RLE faculty, the Laboratory has made significant discoveries over the years in various areas including Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and High-Definition Television (HDTV), and has celebrated achievements such as a Physics Nobel Prize win and the emergence of Bose Corporation. Originally rooted in the exploration of Airborne Radar, RLE aims to create a stimulating and supportive environment for visionary and diverse research, and strategically deploys resources to achieve excellence in research and education, and to support translation of engineering innovations to application technologies that are relevant to today and critical to tomorrow.

About the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics

Research at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics explores the interaction of light and quantum systems, exploiting the two extreme regimes of the wave-particle duality of light and matter. For more information, please see

About Stanford Physics

Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, Stanford University is recognized as one of the world's leading research and teaching institutions. Leland and Jane Stanford founded the University to "promote the public welfare by exercising an influence on behalf of humanity and civilization." Stanford opened its doors in 1891, and more than a century later, it remains dedicated to finding solutions to the great challenges of the day and to preparing our students for leadership in today's complex world. Stanford Physics is a teaching and research department. Undergraduates, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are mentored and involved in research in astrophysics, cosmology, particle physics, atomic and laser physics, and condensed matter physics. The department enjoys close connections to Applied Physics and departments at SLAC.

About the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, established in 2000, seeks to advance environmental conservation, patient care and scientific research. Believing in the inherent value of science and the sense of awe that discovery inspires, the Foundation's Science Program invests in the development of new technologies, supports the world's top scientists and brings together partnerships with the aim to transform, push the boundaries ofand even createentire fields of scientific research. For more information, please visit

Prof. Pieter Kruit
Delft University of Technology
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The Netherlands
Phone +31 (0)15-2785197

Prof. Mehmet Fatih Yanik
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Phone: 617-253-1583
E-mail: yanik@MIT.EDU

Prof. Karl Berggren
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Phone: 617.324.0272
E-mail: berggren@MIT.EDU

Prof. Peter Hommelhoff
Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics
Phone: +49 89 32905 265

Prof. Mark Kasevich
Physics Dept.
Stanford University
Phone: 650-723-4356

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NY Times again prepares to sell Boston Globe

FILE - In this July 20, 2009 file photo, a security guard walks past the entrance of The Boston Globe building in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston. The New York Times Company, which owns The Globe, announced Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013, that it has put The Globe up for sale. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File)

FILE - In this July 20, 2009 file photo, a security guard walks past the entrance of The Boston Globe building in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston. The New York Times Company, which owns The Globe, announced Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013, that it has put The Globe up for sale. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File)

FILE - In this June 8, 2009 file photo, workers walk past the front of The Boston Globe building in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston. The New York Times Company, which owns The Globe, announced Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013, that it has put The Globe up for sale. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File)

FILE - In this July 20, 2009 file photo, workers walk through the pressroom at The Boston Globe building in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston. The New York Times Company, which owns The Globe, announced Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013, that it has put The Globe up for sale. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File)

(AP) ? The New York Times Co. said Wednesday that it is putting The Boston Globe and its related assets up for sale four years after it called off a previous attempt to sell the newspaper.

Mark Thompson, the Times' chief executive, said in a statement a sale would be in the best long-term interests of both properties, "given the differences between these businesses and The New York Times."

Thompson said the sale would help the company concentrate its attention and investments on The New York Times' brand.

The newspapers' differences are stark. The Times has a national ? even international ? audience, and has been adding digital subscribers at a rapid clip. Last year, it launched a Chinese-language website and has a loyal, growing subscriber base in the U.S.

Meanwhile, the Globe is focused on its readers in the New England region, and while its digital subscriptions have been increasing, analysts believe they aren't rising fast enough to be meaningful. The Globe had 28,000 digital subscribers at the end of 2012, up 8 percent from three months earlier.

In comparison, the Times and International Herald Tribune had 640,000 paying subscribers online, up 13 percent over three months.

Analyst John Janedis of UBS said in a research note that the sale has been expected for years and "will allow NYT to focus on the core brand as it attempts to further build out its digital platform."

He estimated that the Globe earned about $37.5 million in profits before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization on $375 million in revenue.

Janedis said the sale could bring in $150 million to $175 million, not including pension liabilities or the value of the Globe's headquarters.

Along with the Globe, the Times plans to sell the Worcester Telegram & Gazette; the publications' related websites; the Globe's direct mail marketing company, GlobeDirect; and a 49 percent interest in Metro Boston, a free daily newspaper for commuters.

Led by Chairman Arthur Sulzberger Jr., the Times Co. is controlled by a family trust whose trustees are the descendants of Adolph Ochs, who bought the newspaper in 1896. The trust holds 90 percent of the non-traded Class B stock that is required to elect a majority of the board.

The Times bought the Globe in 1993 for $1.1 billion from the family of Stephen Taylor, a former Globe executive. But the newspaper has faced difficulties in recent years as advertisers cut spending on newspapers and moved more ads online.

A round of cost cutting in 2009, which involved pay cuts, helped put the newspaper on better financial footing. It prompted the Times to call off a planned sale and rebuff the offers of several bidders. In late 2011, the Globe started charging for access to its online version at The move helped boost circulation revenues.

Times doesn't separate Globe revenue from Times revenue in its financial statements. But the Globe had an average weekday circulation of 230,351 in the six months through September, up 12 percent from a year ago, according to the Alliance for Audited Media. The newspaper's increase in digital subscriptions more than offset declines in print. But the total is still down significantly from the nearly 413,000 it boasted in September 2002.

Wednesday's announcement follows the sale of several Times assets recently.

In September, the newspaper company sold its website and related businesses for $300 million to Barry Diller's IAC/InterActiveCorp. In January 2012, the Times sold its regional media group to Halifax Media Holdings for $143 million.

Asset sales helped triple net income in the final quarter of 2012 to $176.9 million, or $1.14 per share, as revenue grew 5 percent to $575.8 million. Without the sales, earnings per share would have fallen.

Analyst Edward Atorino with The Benchmark Co. said he views the sale as part of a strategy by the Ochs-Sulzberger family that controls the Times Co. to delist as a public company and go private.

"They're selling everything not nailed down," Atorino said. "The family will simply take the Times private. That's the only logical end game."

The Times Co.'s stock has fallen precipitously in recent years from above $50 in 2002 to around $4 during the depths of the recession in 2009. Since then, the stock has recovered somewhat, closing down 4 cents at $9.03 on Wednesday shortly after news of the sale broke.

Associated Press


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This is the Modem World: Bring It On, Sony. Please.

Each week Joshua Fruhlinger contributes This is the Modem World, a column dedicated to exploring the culture of consumer technology.

This is the Modem World Bring It On, Sony Please

The Wii U launch sort of came and went, didn't it? I mean, it's a nice console, but it certainly didn't cause any major waves. In fact, Nintendo only sold 57,000 units in January. For those who don't track game console sales numbers -- and why would you -- that's bad. Very bad.

The Wii U, at least so far, has underwhelmed consumers. There isn't a killer application just yet, and despite some interesting innovation with the touchscreen controller, no one is sitting in his living room, staring at an empty space in his entertainment rack, thinking, "You know what I need? A Wii U."

And now we're all waiting so see what Sony does with the PlayStation 4. Rumors are that they'll do what Sony always does: Pack a ton of technology into a package that will be expensive -- but cost less than it should -- in order to get early adopters on board. It's actually possible that by the time this column is posted, Sony will have already released details about its upcoming hardware and you're too busy oohing and ahhing about frame rates and visual controllers.

Filed under:



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Spearphishing: Dirty email trick favored by nastiest hackers

A new report says that the Chinese military is secretly obtaining sensitive data from U.S. companies. A key technique is "spearphishing," an approach that tricks a targeted individual to reveal information that can be used to infiltrate the company or government agency that person works for.

Security companies have been warning about spearfishing for the last two to three years, and its use is increasing. But now that it has become top news, thanks to a report from U.S. computer-security firm Mandiant Corp. explaining how Chinese operatives tricked workers at Coca-Cola and other major American firms, what is at the top of many people's minds is this: How do you know if you're being spearphished?

Different than phishing
You probably know to watch out for phishing attempts ? broad, massive email efforts to get you to hand over personal financial information like a credit card number or to click on a website link that could allow malware to steal information from your computer. They're usually riddled with spelling errors and terrible formatting.

Spearphishing is subtler, because it's aimed at intelligence gathering. It "often takes the form of key personnel inside an organization being emailed a malicious file," Graham Cluley of Sophos Security told NBC News Tuesday.

"It could be, for instance, a boobytrapped PDF file or Word document which when opened ? secretly and silently installs spyware onto your computer," he said. "The malicious spyware code can then open a backdoor on your computer, giving hackers remote access to all the files on your computer, as well as capture every keystroke, in order to steal passwords, and read everything on your screen."

But why would an employee open such an email? The information in the email is crafted to look and sound just right enough so that it's "remarkably easy to dupe someone into clicking on a link or opening an attachment in an email and for their computer to become compromised," Cluley said.

"Imagine you were a reporter covering human rights abuses in China. I simply send you an email (with a boobytrapped attachment), forge my 'from' address so you believe that the email has come from a human rights group, and in the body of the email tell you that attached you'll find shocking details of human rights abuses in China."

"Similarly, if you were a military supplier, I might make my email appear as though it came from a sister company or another supplier."

Dave Jevans, founder and CTO of Marble Security, said "spearphishers know that the easiest way to break into a company's network is not to breach their firewalls and intrusion prevention systems, but rather to compromise an employee's computer, smartphone or online passwords."

Employees who use cloud-based, shared document apps like Google Docs can be sitting ducks for spearphishing attempts.

"Google Docs is a very convenient way to fool employees or end users into divulging passwords," Jevans said. For one thing, it is a "trusted website that won't be blocked by Web filters," with invitations to view documents or forms "hosted by a trusted company ? Google ? not some hacked server in Russia." Also, he said, "Google Docs connections are HTTPS encrypted, and cannot be filtered by Web-filtering gateways to scan for malicious content."

No easy fix
Battling spearphishing is an ongoing effort, with no easy-fix solutions in sight.

"It's a massive problem," Kurt Baumgartner, Kaspersky Lab senior researcher, told NBC News Tuesday. Jevans, of Marble Security, called spearphishing "one of the most dangerous of all the advanced persistent threats" that exist.

In 2010, Sophos Security said it intercepted an attack against a firm tied to the defense indutry in which emails "carried a malicious PDF file claiming to be about the Trident D-5 missile, launched from nuclear submarines."

A report from McAfee Labs at the end of 2011 noted the worrisome rise in spearphishing, saying the problem "doesn't really lend itself to a pure technology solution. The best defense against spearphishing is employee ? particularly executive employee ? education. Next-generation firewall technology can also help prevent employees from accessing rogue sites."

Baumgartner told NBC News on the "human side, the old adage 'do not open suspicious emails or links,' is, well, old. While it's sensible advice, it's proven to be ineffective because you are dispensing that advice to people." And people, of course, don't always pay close enough attention.

Security vendors, he said, "have improved their product capabilities as well," but still, "the attackers sometimes up their game to beat all of those technologies. So you can stop 'it,' but at some level you can't always stop 'it.'

"For some organizations and targets, learning how to best tolerate and maintain intrusions becomes an attractive option," he said. Tools to expel invaders, or minimize exposure once they are in, may prove to be more important than just relying on "defensive technology protecting against spearphishing components," he said.

Cluley, of Sophos, says companies and agencies can "reduce the chances of a targeted attack" being successful by keeping software such as PDF readers, Web browsers, word processing software and the computer's operating system itself as up-do-date as possible, with the latest patches.

"Furthermore, you should run a layered defense ? that means not just using up-to-date anti-virus software, but also firewalls, email filtering technologies, data-loss protection technology and strong encryption to secure your most sensitive data," he said.

And back to that human element?

"Also, it's amazing how many people re-use passwords, and use the same weak password in multiple places," Cluley said. "That means if you get hacked in one place, and your password is compromised, it may also unlock accounts elsewhere on the Net."

All of these steps "can reduce your chances of suffering from a targeted attack," he said. "But ultimately, there's no 100 percent technological solution, as human beings can still make bad decisions. And that's why it's important to train users about threats, and warn them to be suspicious of unsolicited links and attachments and to always report suspicious activity."

Check out Technology, GadgetBox, Digital Life and In-Game on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.


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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Robin Roberts returns to 'Good Morning America'

(AP) ? Five months after undergoing a bone marrow transplant, Robin Roberts is back on television in the morning.

Roberts said Wednesday she'd been waiting 174 days "to say this, good morning America."

The morning-show host is recovering from MDS, a blood and bone marrow disease. She looked thin with close-cropped hair but was smiling broadly, back at work on "Good Morning America" at ABC's studio in New York City.

ABC announced Roberts will interview first lady Michelle Obama later this week, to be shown next Tuesday.

Associated Press


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App Deals Of The Day: Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone

Today we have a bunch of awesome new Dashclock extensions for Android, Passlocker on iOS reduced from $12.99 to just $1.99, Mobi Reader HD now free on iPad, Contacts for 99c on Windows Phone, plus lots more. Deals end without warning, so be quick or miss out!

This is a hand-picked list of apps that we think are worth checking out, but we do not endorse them in any way, nor have we reviewed them.

Productivity and lifestyle apps are listed first. Games are stacked towards the bottom of each list. Otherwise, the apps are not listed in any particular order. Some apps may require in-app purchases for extra features or levels.


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iPad Only

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Windows Phone

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App Deals is a daily roundup of notable new, updated and discounted apps. Know of any other awesome deals? Are you a developer and want your app listed here? Leave a comment or contact us.


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HTC One unveiled: 4.7-inch 1080p display, 1.7GHz quad-core ...


HTC BlinkFeed?, HTC Zoe? and HTC BoomSound? Deliver HTC One's Unprecedented New Smartphone Experience

London and New York City, February 19, 2013 -

HTC, a global leader in mobile innovation and design, today announced its new flagship smartphone, the new HTC One. Crafted with a distinct zero-gap aluminium unibody, the new HTC One introduces HTC BlinkFeed?, HTC Zoe? and HTC BoomSound?, key new HTC Sense? innovations that reinvent the mobile experience and set a new standard for smartphones.

"People today immerse themselves in a constant stream of updates, news and information. Although smartphones are one of the main ways we stay in touch with the people and information we care about, conventional designs have failed to keep pace with how people are actually using them," said Peter Chou, CEO of HTC Corporation. "A new, exciting approach to the smartphone is needed and with the new HTC One, we have re-imagined the mobile experience from the ground up to reflect this new reality."

HTC BlinkFeed: A personal live stream right on the home screen At the centre of the new HTC One experience is HTC BlinkFeed. HTC BlinkFeed is a bold new experience that transforms the home screen into a single live stream of personally relevant information such as social updates, entertainment and lifestyle updates, news and photos with immersive images so that people no longer need to go to separate applications to find out what's happening. HTC BlinkFeed aggregates the freshest content from the most relevant and interesting sources, giving it to people at a glance, all in one place, without the need to jump between multiple applications and web sites.

To enable this new dynamic approach to the smartphone, HTC will provide both local and global content from more than 1,400 media sources with more than 10,000 articles per day from some of the most innovative media companies, such as the AOL family of media properties, ESPN, MTV, Vice Media, CoolHunting, Reuters and many others. For more information on HTC BlinkFeed's content partners, visit the HTC Blog.

HTC UltraPixel Camera with HTC Zoe
The breakthrough HTC UltraPixel Camera redefines how people capture, relive and share their most precious moments. HTC Zoe gives people the ability to shoot high-res photos that come to life in three-second snippets. These Zoes, photos and videos are then displayed in a unique way that brings the gallery to life and transforms the traditional photo gallery of still images into a motion gallery of memories. It also automatically creates integrated highlight films from each event comprised of Zoes, photos and videos set to music with professionally designed cuts, transitions and effects. These highlight videos can be remixed or set to different themes, and can be easily shared on social networks, email and other services.

To enable this innovative camera experience, HTC developed a custom camera that includes a best-in-class f/2.0 aperture lens and a breakthrough sensor with UltraPixels that gather 300 percent more light than traditional smartphone camera sensors. This new approach also delivers astounding low-light performance and a variety of other improvements to photos and videos. In addition, the perfect self-portrait or video is just a tap away with an ultra-wide angle front-facing camera which supports 1080p video capture. Multi-axis optical image stabilisation for both the front and rear cameras also helps ensure video footage smoother whether stationary or on the move. HTC UltraPixel camera adds many other features and effects such as enhanced 360' panorama, time sequencing and object removal.

HTC BoomSound
The new HTC One offers the best audio experience of any mobile phone available today. HTC BoomSound introduces for the first time on a phone, front-facing stereo speakers with a dedicated amplifier and an amazing full HD display that immerses people in music, videos, games and the YouTube? clips they love. Beats? Audio integration is enabled across the entire experience for rich, authentic sound whether you're listening to your favorite music, watching a YouTube video or playing a game.

HDR recording uses advanced dual microphones and audio processing to capture clean, rich sound that is worthy of high-definition video footage. Phone calls sound great on HTC One thanks to the addition of HTC Sense Voice?, which boosts the call volume and quality in noisy environments so that conversations come through loud and clear.

HTC Sense TV?
HTC Sense TV transforms the new HTC One into an interactive program guide and remote control for most TVs, set-top boxes and receivers. Tapping the power of the cloud, Sense TV makes it simple and intuitive to see what's on and find that favourite show.

Metal Unibody Design
Wrapped in a zero-gap aluminium unibody and sporting a brilliant 4.7", Full HD (1080p) screen, the new HTC One features the latest Android Jelly Bean operating system and LTE network technology to offer blazingly-fast browsing in a package that combines premium design with breakthrough build quality.

Available in stunning silver and beautiful black, the sleek and crafted aluminium unibody sits comfortably in the hand and showcases HTC's unique antenna technology, which helps people achieve a crystal clear signal. The display also resists scratches and reduces glare, whilst offering incredible 468ppi resolution and rich, natural colours.

Global Availability

The new HTC One will be available globally through more than 185 mobile operators and major retailers in more than 80 regions and countries beginning in March. For more information and to pre-register for the new HTC One, visit

Europe, Middle East and Africa: 1&1 Germany, A1 Telekom Austria, AB Poland, Allo Ukraine, AMC (Cosmote) Albania, Avea Turkey, Beeline Kazakhstan, Belcompany Netherlands, BH Telecom Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bite Latvia, Bite Lithuania, Bouygues Telecom France, Carphone Warehouse UK, Cell C RSA, Citrus Ukraine, Cosmote Greece, Cosmote Romania & Global Bulgaria, Cyta, DT Mobile(TS) Latvia, Du UAE, Dustin Sweden, Eagle Mobile Albania, EE UK, Elisa Estonia, Elisa Finland, El-Giganten Denmark, El-Giganten Sweden, Elkj?b Norway, EMT (TS) Estonia, E-Plus Germany, ERC Ukraine, Euroset Russia, Gigantii Finland, Go Malta, H3G Austria, H3G Denmark, H3G Italy, H3G Sweden, H3G UK, HT Eronet Bosnia & Herzegovina, K-Cell Kazakhstan, KPN Belgium, KPN Netherlands, Life Belarus, LuxGSM Luxembourg, Megafon Russia, Melita Malta, Meteor Ireland, Mobilezone Switzerland, Mobilochka Ukraine, Mobily KSA, MSH Belgium, MSH Germany, M-Tel Montenegro, M-Tel Bosnia & Herzegovina, MTI Ukraine, MTN Cyprus, MTS Belarus, MTS Russia, Netcom Norway,
(Telef?nica) O2 Czech, (Telef?nica) O2 Germany, (Telef?nica) O2 Ireland, (Telef?nica) O2 UK, Omnitel Lithuania, One Macedonia, Optimus Portugal, Orange France, Orange Maldova, Orange Poland, Orange Romania, Orange Slovakia, Orange Spain, Orange Switzerland, Partner Communications Israel, PhoneHouse France, PhoneHouse Germany, PhoneHouse Netherlands, PhoneHouse Sweden, Phones4U UK, Play Poland, Plus Communication Albania, Polkomtel Poland, Proximus Belgium, SFR France, SiMobil Slovenia, STC KSA, Sunrise Switzerland, Svyaznoy Russia, Swisscom Switzerland, TDC Denmark, Tele2 Croatia, Tele 2 Estonia, Tele2 Latvia, Tele2 Lithuania, Tele2 Russia, Telia Denmark, Telia Sweden, Telekom Slovenija, Telenet Belgium, Telenor Denmark, Telenor Norway, Telenor Sweden, Telenor Hungary, Telenor Serbia, Telkom Serbia, TIM Italy, TMN Portugal, T-Mobile Austria, T-Mobile Croatia, T-Mobile Czech Republic, T-Mobile Germany, T-Mobile Hungary, T-Mobile Macedonia, T-Mobile Montenegro, T-Mobile Netherlands, T-Mobile Poland, T-Mobile Slovakia, Turkcell Turkey, Tus Mobil Slovenia, Velcom (TAG) Belarus, VIP Operator Macedonia, VIP Mobile Serbia, Vipnet Croatia, Vivacom Bulgaria, Vodacom RSA, Vodafone Albania, Vodafone Czech Republic, Vodafone Egypt, Vodafone Germany, Vodafone Greece, Vodafone Hungary, Vodafone Ireland, Vodafone Italy, Vodafone Malta, Vodafone Netherlands, Vodafone Portugal, Vodafone Romania, Vodafone Spain, Vodafone Turkey, Vodafone UK, Wind Greece, Wind Italy, Yoigo Spain, Yug Contract Ukraine, Zain KSA.

Asia-Pacific: China Mobile Hong Kong Company Ltd., ChungHwa Telecom, 3HK, CSL, Fareastone, M1, Mobifone, Optus, PCCW mobile, Reliance Communications, Singapore Telecommunications Ltd., SmarTone, StarHub, Taiwan Mobile, Telecom New Zealand, Telstra, Vodafone Australia, Vodafone New Zealand.

China: China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom

North America: AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Cincinnati Bell and Best Buy in the United States and in Canada with Rogers Communications, Bell Mobility, TELUS and Virgin Mobile Canada.

Latin America: Claro Argentina (Am?rica Movil), Telecom Personal Argentina, Entel Chile, Iusacell M?xico, Telcel M?xico (Am?rica Movil), Claro Per? (Am?rica Movil), Claro Puerto Rico (Am?rica Movil), Movistar Venezuela (Telefonica)

Sprint Brings Truly Unlimited 4G LTE to the New HTC One; Sprint's Latest International Smartphone for Music Lovers, Photo Bugs and Social Media Masters Alike

NEW YORK & OVERLAND PARK, Kan. (BUSINESS WIRE), February 19, 2013 - Sprint (NYSE: S) today announced plans to carry the new HTC One? smartphone later this year. The new HTC One introduces HTC Sense? innovations that reinvent the mobile experience, including a personal live stream right on the home screen, photos that come to life and an audio experience that features dual front-facing stereo speakers.

The smartphone will benefit from Truly Unlimited? 4G LTE data, text and calling to any mobile with no metering, no throttling, and no overages, all while on the Sprint network. Additional details, including pricing, will be shared closer to availability. Customers can get more information about the new HTC One smartphone from Sprint by visiting

"In a world where technology is constantly evolving, Sprint is really excited to bring our customers the latest in smartphone innovation from HTC," said David Owens, vice president-Product Development, Sprint. "We feel that combining the advanced features of the new HTC One with Sprint's Truly Unlimited 4G LTE data plans allows our customers to really take advantage of the data capabilities of the smartphone without having to worry about data caps or throttling making it a big win all around."

Innovative New Experiences

At the center of the new HTC One experience is HTC BlinkFeed?, a bold new experience that transforms the home screen into a single live stream of personally relevant information, such as social updates, entertainment and lifestyle updates, and news and photos with immersive images so the user no longer needs separate applications to find out what's happening. HTC BlinkFeed aggregates the newest content from the most relevant and interesting sources, giving it to users at a glance, all in one place, without the need to jump between multiple applications and websites.

Photo bugs who loved the camera features of HTC EVO 3D and EVO 4G LTE will take delight in HTC UltraPixel Camera with HTC Zoe? ? a new feature bringing photos to life showing more personality and emotion than a still photo ever could. HTC Zoe gives users the ability to shoot high-resolution photos that come to life in three-second snippets. Zoe images, photos and videos are then displayed in a unique way in the new gallery, transforming the traditional photo gallery of still images into a motion gallery of memories.

Additionally, the new HTC One features a superior sound capability. Customers who love the Beats By Dr. Dre? Audio features on HTC EVO? 4G LTE will now enjoy an even better experience with HTC BoomSound?. BoomSound introduces front-facing stereo speakers with a dedicated amplifier and an amazing full high-definition display that brings users closer to their music, videos, games and YouTube?. Beats Audio integration is enabled across the entire experience for rich, authentic sound. HDR recording uses advanced dual microphones and audio processing to capture clean, rich sound that is worthy of HD video footage.

Crafted with a distinct zero-gap aluminum unibody, the new HTC One also boasts brilliant technical features, including international capabilities, 4.7-inch, full-HD 1080p display, 1.7GHz quad-core processor and Near Field Communications (NFC).

A Truly Unlimited 4G LTE Experience

Sprint offers Truly Unlimited data for smartphones while on the Sprint Network, with no metering, throttling or overages. Sprint's Everything Data plan with Any Mobile, AnytimeSM starts at just $79.99 per month for smartphones ? a savings of $20 per month versus Verizon's comparable plan with unlimited talk, text and 2GB Web (excludes taxes and surcharges).

Sprint introduced its all-new 4G LTE network in July 2012 and now offers service in 58 markets[i]. For the most up-to-date details on the Sprint 4G LTE portfolio and rollout, please visit For detailed 4G LTE maps, providing coverage information right down to the address, please visit Customers are encouraged to check back often, as the maps will be updated when coverage in these markets is enhanced.

About Sprint Nextel

Sprint Nextel offers a comprehensive range of wireless and wireline communications services bringing the freedom of mobility to consumers, businesses and government users. Sprint Nextel served more than 55 million customers at the end of 2012 and is widely recognized for developing, engineering and deploying innovative technologies, including the first wireless 4G service from a national carrier in the United States; offering industry-leading mobile data services, leading prepaid brands including Virgin Mobile USA, Boost Mobile, and Assurance Wireless; instant national and international push-to-talk capabilities; and a global Tier 1 Internet backbone. The American Customer Satisfaction Index rated Sprint No. 1 among all national carriers in customer satisfaction and most improved, across all 47 industries, during the last four years. Newsweek ranked Sprint No. 3 in both its 2011 and 2012 Green Rankings, listing it as one of the nation's greenest companies, the highest of any telecommunications company. You can learn more and visit Sprint at or and

T-Mobile to Offer New HTC One

Bellevue, Wash. - Feb. 19, 2013

T-Mobile is excited to partner with HTC to bring our customers the new HTC One?, a T-Mobile 4G LTE smartphone. The new HTC One introduces HTC BlinkFeed?, HTC Zoe? and HTC BoomSound?, key HTC Sense? innovations that reinvent the mobile experience.

The new HTC One is T-Mobile's first Android smartphone featuring the new HTC Sense experience with HTC BlinkFeed at its center. HTC BlinkFeed transforms the home screen into a single live stream of personally relevant information such as social updates, news and photos giving people fresh content at a glance without the need to switch between applications. Wrapped in a zero-gap aluminum unibody, the brilliant 4.7-inch full 1080p HD screen is the perfect display for the new breakthrough camera experience of HTC Ultrapixel Camera with Zoe which gives people the ability to shoot high-res photos that come to life in three-second snippets.

When combined with T-Mobile's industry-first Unlimited Nationwide 4G Data plan with no annual contract, the new HTC One provides amazing 4G experiences at a superior value ? without limitations ? that only T-Mobile can deliver. Information about the HTC One can be found at Additional details, including device availability and pricing, will be shared at a later date.

Break the Mold: The New HTC One from AT&T Brings Your Mobile World to Life

Dallas, Texas, February 19, 2013

Today, AT&T* announced its plans to carry HTC's global flagship smartphone, the new HTC One?. The HTC One offers a new perspective on smartphones with HTC Sense innovations that allow you to use your smartphone in ways you never could before ? bringing your memories, experiences and interactions to life.

The HTC One is 4G LTE enabled, allowing customers to take advantage of the latest wireless technology to achieve ultra-fast speeds. AT&T has the nation's largest 4G network covering 288 million people.** At launch, AT&T will offer the HTC One in silver and black, and customers will have the option to choose between 32GB or 64GB memory variants.

"As our lives become increasingly mobile, our smartphones play the vital role of keeping us connected to the things we value most in life," said Jeff Bradley, senior vice president-Devices, AT&T. "The HTC One's revolutionary way of tapping into your day-to-day activities and creating a truly personalized experience, combined with AT&T's lightning fast 4G LTE network, make sure you have access to the information you want, when you need it."

Real-Time Connections

While a typical app may pique your interest, HTC BlinkFeed? engrosses you in customized content and real-time updates streamed live on your home screen. HTC BlinkFeed aggregates your content from a variety of media sources, serving up fresh content all in one place, without the need to jump between multiple applications and web sites.

A Living Photo Gallery

Anyone can take a photo, but HTC Zoe? on the HTC One lets you grab the entire moment and bring it to life in three-second snippets. Special moments like birthdays and sporting events can be captured in Zoes, photos and videos then uniquely displayed in a living gallery that you can set to music and special effects. AT&T Locker helps you hold onto those memories no matter where you are. You can automatically store photos, videos and documents securely in the cloud, so you can access and share from your smartphone or computer. The HTC UltraPixel Camera with a breakthrough sensor gathers 300 percent more light than traditional smartphone camera sensors and delivers outstanding low-light performance.

Raw Power, Beauty and Fine Detail Sound Quality

Boasting a powerful 1.7 GHz quad-core processor, and zero-gap aluminum unibody with a 4.7-inch full HD (1080p) screen, the HTC One helps you run games and other applications easily. Dual front-facing speakers and a built-in amplifier bring music, movies and games alive in a way unrivaled by other smartphones. Since the speakers are on the front of the device, you no longer have to worry about muffled sound when setting your phone down. HTC BoomSound? on the HTC One provides richer, clearer sound with less distortion, as well as the authentic sound experience you expect from built-in Beats by Dr. Dre Audio.

Entertainment World at Your Fingertips

Not only does HTC One let you take your favorite music, movies and TV shows with you anywhere, but it also serves as your interactive TV Guide and remote control. HTC SenseTV? can be set up in a few simple steps and gives you the ability to access electronic program guides and control a set-top box, including AT&T U-verse?, and home theatre right from your phone's screen. Not sure what you want to watch? With SenseTV, you can search for content by categories including movies, TV shows, sports, social media and more.

The HTC One features AT&T DriveMode?, an app that helps curb texting and driving. The app can be set-up to automatically send a customizable reply to incoming messages once a vehicle starts moving 25 mph. The auto-reply message is similar to an "out-of-office alert" and can reply to texts, emails and wireless callers letting your friends know that you are driving and unable to respond.***

Setting up your new HTC One is a snap with AT&T Ready2Go, a free service that helps you to easily set up and personalize your device in minutes from the comfort of your personal computer. With Ready2Go, it's easy to set up your email accounts, import your contacts, connect to your social networks and more.

For more information or to sign up for updates on availability, visit

*AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc.

**4G speeds not available everywhere. Limited 4G LTE availability in select markets. LTE is a trademark of ETSI. Learn more at

***Data and text messaging charges may apply for download and app usage. Standard messaging rates apply to auto-reply messages. AT&T DriveMode is free to AT&T customers only. Compatible device required.


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