Sunday, April 8, 2012

3 Must-Read Articles on Writing a Band Bio or Press Release | DIY ...

band 300x225 3 Must Read Articles on Writing a Band Bio or Press ReleaseCritics, bookers, and bloggers don?t have the time to listen to every CD or MP3 they receive. Sometimes your music only gets to speak for itself AFTER you?ve spoken on its behalf. How do you do that effectively?

Well, over the past few months our pals at the Echoes Blog have posted some informative articles on the art of crafting your artist bio, press kit materials, and press releases. (There was a lot of ?art? in that last sentence, huh?)?Check out my 3 favorites below:

Press Kit Fundamentals- How to Write a Compelling Artist Bio

Press Kit Fundamentals- More Band Bio Writing Tips

Press Kit Fundamentals- Press Release Writing Tips

Chris Robley avatar 60x60 3 Must Read Articles on Writing a Band Bio or Press Release

About Chris Robley

Chris Robley has written 471 posts in this blog.

Songwriter, producer, poet, blogger, person, & marketeer.
Edmund White said, "Biography can be the most middle-class of all forms, the judgment of little people avenging themselves on the great." What would he say about my autobiography?

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