Monday, October 15, 2012

Endeavour finally reaches permanent LA museum home

A workman helps in the process of prepping the space shuttle Endeavour to move the final few yards into a temporary hangar at the California Science Center in Los Angeles on Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. After a 12-mile (19-kilometer) weave past trees and utility poles that included thousands of adoring onlookers, flashing cameras and even the filming of a TV commercial, Endeavour arrived at the California Science Center Sunday to a greeting party of city leaders and other dignitaries that had expected it many hours earlier. (AP Photo/Los Angeles Times, Luis Sinco, Pool)

A workman helps in the process of prepping the space shuttle Endeavour to move the final few yards into a temporary hangar at the California Science Center in Los Angeles on Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. After a 12-mile (19-kilometer) weave past trees and utility poles that included thousands of adoring onlookers, flashing cameras and even the filming of a TV commercial, Endeavour arrived at the California Science Center Sunday to a greeting party of city leaders and other dignitaries that had expected it many hours earlier. (AP Photo/Los Angeles Times, Luis Sinco, Pool)

The space shuttle Endeavour sits outside its temporary hangar at the California Science Center in Los Angeles on Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. After a 12-mile (19-kilometer) weave past trees and utility poles that included thousands of adoring onlookers, flashing cameras and even the filming of a TV commercial, Endeavour arrived at the California Science Center Sunday to a greeting party of city leaders and other dignitaries that had expected it many hours earlier. (AP Photo/Los Angeles Times, Luis Sinco, Pool)

The space shuttle Endeavour moves north on Bill Robertson Lane in front of the Coliseum in Los Angeles Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. In thousands of Earth orbits, the space shuttle Endeavour traveled 123 million miles. But the last few miles of its final journey are proving hard to get through. Endeavour's 12-mile crawl across Los Angeles to the California Science Museum hit repeated delays Saturday, leaving expectant crowds along city streets and at the destination slowly dwindling. Officials estimated the shuttle, originally expected to finish the trip early Saturday evening, would not arrive until later Sunday. (AP Photo/Alex Gallardo)

The space shuttle Endeavour slowly moves down Martin Luther King Boulevard on Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012 in Los Angeles. In thousands of Earth orbits, the space shuttle Endeavour traveled 123 million miles. But the last few miles of its final journey are proving hard to get through. Endeavour's 12-mile crawl across Los Angeles to the California Science Museum hit repeated delays Saturday, leaving expectant crowds along city streets and at the destination slowly dwindling. Officials estimated the shuttle, originally expected to finish the trip early Saturday evening, would not arrive until later Sunday. (AP Photo/Los Angeles Times, Michael Robinson Chavez, Pool)

The space shuttle Endeavour slowly moves down Martin Luther King Blvd. in Los Angeles, Sunday, Oct.14, 2012. In thousands of Earth orbits, the space shuttle Endeavour traveled 123 million miles (198 million kilometers). But the last few miles (kilometers) of its final journey are proving hard to get through. Endeavour's 12-mile (19-kilometer) crawl across Los Angeles to the California Science Museum hit repeated delays Saturday, leaving expectant crowds along city streets and at the destination slowly dwindling. Officials estimated the shuttle, originally expected to finish the trip early Saturday evening, would not arrive until mid-morning Sunday. (AP Photo/Alex Gallardo)

(AP) ? It was supposed to be a slow but smooth journey to retirement, a parade through city streets for a shuttle that logged millions of miles in space.

But Endeavour's final mission turned out to be a logistical headache that delayed its arrival to its museum resting place by about 17 hours.

After a 12-mile weave past trees and utility poles that included thousands of adoring onlookers, flashing cameras and even the filming of a TV commercial, Endeavour arrived at the California Science Center Sunday to a greeting party of city leaders and other dignitaries that had expected it many hours earlier.

Endeavour finally inched toward a hangar on the grounds of the museum Sunday night.

"It's like Christmas!" said Mark Behn, 55, a member of the museum ground support team who watched the shuttle's snail-like approach from inside the hangar. "We've waited so long and been told so many things about when it would get here. But here it is, and it's a dream come true."

Movers had planned a slow trip, saying the shuttle that once orbited at more than 17,000 mph would move at just 2 mph in its final voyage through Inglewood and southern Los Angeles.

But that estimate turned out to be generous, with Endeavour often creeping along at a barely detectable pace when it wasn't at a dead stop due to difficult-to-maneuver obstacles like tree branches and light posts.

Another delay came in the early morning hours Sunday when the shuttle's remote-controlled, 160-wheel carrier began leaking oil.

Despite the holdups, the team charged with transporting the shuttle felt a "great sense of accomplishment" when it made it onto the museum grounds, said Jim Hennessy, a spokesman for Sarens, the contract mover.

"It's historic and will be a great memory," he said. "Not too many people will be able to match that ? to say, 'We moved the space shuttle through the streets of Inglewood and Los Angeles.'"

Transporting Endeavour cross-town was a costly feat with an estimated price tag of $10 million, to be paid for by the science center and private donations.

Late Friday, crews spent hours transferring the shuttle to a special, lighter towing dolly for its trip over Interstate 405. The dolly was pulled across the Manchester Boulevard bridge by a Toyota Tundra pickup, and the car company filmed the event for a commercial after paying for a permit, turning the entire scene into a movie set complete with special lighting, sound and staging.

Saturday started off promising, with Endeavour 90 minutes ahead of schedule. But accumulated hurdles and hiccups caused it to run hours behind at day's end.

Some 400 trees had been removed along the route, but officials said most of the trees that gave them trouble could not be cut down because they were old or treasured for other reasons, including some planted in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.

The crowd had its problems too. Despite temperatures in the mid-70s, several dozen people were treated for heat-related injuries after a long day in the sun, according to fire officials.

But it was a happy, peaceful crowd, with firefighters having only to respond to a sheared hydrant and a small rubbish fire, and no reports of any arrests.

And despite the late problems the mood for most of the day was festive.

At every turn of Endeavour's slow-speed commute through urban streets, spectators jammed intersections as the shuttle shuffled past stores, schools, churches and front yards through the working-class streets of southern Los Angeles. Sidewalks were off-limits due to Endeavour's enormous wingspan.

Endeavour's arrival in Los Angeles was a homecoming. It may have zipped around the Earth nearly 4,700 times, but its roots are solidly grounded in California. Its main engines were fashioned in the San Fernando Valley. The heat tiles were invented in Silicon Valley. Its "fly-by-wire" technology was developed in the Los Angeles suburb of Downey. In 1991, it rolled off the assembly line in the Mojave Desert to replace Challenger, which blew up during liftoff in 1986.

As Endeavour shuffled by crowds, its age was evident after 123 million miles in space and two dozen re-entries.

Stephanie Gibbs, a longtime Inglewood resident, passed the Forum, where the Los Angeles Lakers used to play and where Endeavour made a pit stop Saturday, many times in her life. But she wasn't prepared for what she saw.

"There was a space shuttle blocking the street and I said, 'Whoa,'" she said.

Gibbs, who lives off Crenshaw Drive, the narrowest section of the move, would like to see a sign designating it as a shuttle crossing.

"We've been on the map" because of the Lakers, she said. "This kind of highlights it more."

Endeavor was scheduled to go on display at the museum starting Oct. 30.


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Associated Press


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Taiwan enters island fray, but China and Japan shrug

Boats from China and Japan chased each other around a set of disputed islets, setting off a diplomatic crisis. But when Taiwan entered the fray, neither side seemed to care.

By Ralph Jennings,?Correspondent / September 28, 2012

An aerial view shows a Japan Coast Guard patrol ship, fishing boats from Taiwan and Taiwan's Coast Guard vessel sailing side by side near Uotsuri island (top), a part of the disputed islands in the East China Sea, known as Senkaku in Japan, Diaoyu in China, and Tiaoyutai in Taiwan, in this September 25 photo.



If it were another country, Taiwan would be in hot diplomatic water.

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The government in Taipei said last week it wanted to be a peacemaker in a sovereignty dispute involving a set of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea. Boats from China and Japan had chased each other around the islets they both claim, setting off mass protests in China that sent Sino-Japanese relations to a new low.

Then this week, Taiwan stopped talking about peace as 12 of its coast guard vessels escorted some 50 Taiwanese fishing boats to the islets, a sort passive-aggressive reminder of its own claim to islets that are 137 miles from Taiwan. Japan controls the islands, which it calls the Senkakus, and sprayed water cannons at Taiwan?s boats to keep them away.

But instead of setting off a diplomatic crisis, no one appears to be taking Taiwan too seriously ? at least not yet.

As far as China is concerned Taiwan is still part of China even though a Nationalist Party set up a rival government in Taipei after losing the Chinese civil war to the Communists in the 1940s. Beijing believes it will capture Taiwan someday even though the two sides are now self-ruled. By that logic any new territory Taiwan locks in would eventually go to China anyway.

At the same time, Japan and Taiwan can hardly live without each other. The former World War II colonizer is today one of Taiwan?s top five sources of tourism. Common Taiwanese take fashion, food, and shopping cues from peers in Tokyo while a strong contingent of conservative Japanese lawmakers who dislike communist China embraces Taiwan as a friendly fellow democracy.

?Japan is probably the only country in the world that attaches strategic importance to Taiwan,? says Bonnie Glaser, a senior fellow with the CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies.

But Taiwan?s leadership neither expects to conquer the tiny islets nor broker a peace deal. President Ma Ying-jeou?s government is, instead, intent on using the issue to fulfill an often failed, 4-year-old domestic pledge: expand clout among major world nations through informal ties usually described as soft power.?

China forbids its 170-plus diplomatic allies from engaging Taiwan directly. But Taiwan may hope its idea to be a regional peacemaker?will stimulate scholarly debate in the United States, putting Taipei on the map of high-level academic conferences, says Alexander Huang, strategic studies professor with Tamkang University in Taiwan. ?Ma has taken at least an initiative and a moral high ground,? Mr. Huang says.

Taiwan has also avoided bashing China with heated language (letting Japan handle that) over the disputed islets, though they make separate claims. That puts the two sides in the same boat as seen from Beijing. ?It embraces the one-China concept in Beijing?s eyes,? Mr. Huang adds.

That edge will make China happier, and Taiwan wealthier, when the two sides bargain over trade tariffs or investment rules.?

Making good on that pledge to expand clout matters now as President Ma Ying-jeou sees approval ratings of just 15 to 25 percent this year so far because of domestic issues such as rising prices and stubborn wages. Term limits would stop Mr. Ma from seeking a new term in 2016, but his Nationalist Party could inherit any approval problems he leaves behind.


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Wonderland: The Deck

There is another tale to the story of wonderland. One that exists after Alice has left. The red queen has fallen, but a new evil arises as four kingdoms once lost come to live. Will the Creatures of Wonderland fight back? [ALOT more information inside.]


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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Advice Anyone Can Use To Improve Self Improvement - ProjectPB ...

For best results, use positive thinking and other self improvement techniques to change and improve your self and your life. These tips can help you personally develop yourself, change your own character, change the way you think, and most of all, improve your life.

Treat all people with respect and kindness. How you treat them reveals more about your own character, than it reveals about theirs.

TIP! You have to be in good physical shape if you want your personal development efforts to be as effective as possible. Just simple things, such as exercise, getting enough rest and a proper diet, will all keep your energy level up and make you feel good enough to be successful in your personal development journey.

Attaining well-being begins with supporting your body?s needs. If your body is telling you that you are hungry, thirsty, etc., then you should work to correct that problem immediately. You need a healthy body to serve you for years to come. Lapsing into poor health by not meeting your body?s needs can have repercussions.

Setting and reaching some short term goals can jump start your path to a happy, healthy life. By taking some time our for yourself to focus on both strengths and weaknesses, you will notice overall self-improvement.

You need to care for yourself before you can care for others. Whether you?re just starting your personal development plan or are well down the road and regardless of whether you?re succeeding or failing, you have to set aside time for yourself to rest, relax, and regroup.

TIP! Part of setting goals to better yourself is having an idea of where you want your life to go. Long-term goals are a tremendous thing to have and can make a big difference in your perspective.

Make every day of your life the best that you can. Top yourself every day. It is important to make sure you keep pushing yourself every day to keep improving. Try your hardest to achieve something different today than what you achieved yesterday.

Establish your priorities, and then focus on them wholeheartedly. Your life will be more peaceful, satisfying, and happy if you can stop obsessing over negative or meaningless things and concentrate your energy on what you really care about.

Try perusing some books on personal development. A good book can provide you with the information that you need to get started on your journey toward a new you. Books on the topic of personal development can be poorly written. To avoid this, make sure you read books that have been reviewed well.

TIP! Comfort shopping is not a good idea. If you do a hobby versus raising your credit card bill, you won?t have to stress over those bills and will have less clutter at home to clean.

Are you causing yourself unnecessary stress? Relax, sit back and analyze your situation without overreacting. A mistake isn?t the end of the world. Most mistakes can be rectified, and many can be remedied in a way that ends up better than if you hadn?t made a mistake to begin with. Focus more on your accomplishments instead of your failures.

Spend time with people who are like-minded to you. Self improvement is easier when your associates do not belittle your efforts and tempt you from your goals but instead share your drive for self-improvement.

Try to get more organized. Being organized can make you feel accomplished and it can boost your confidence. Disorganization is a big stress inducer, so organization will help with that, too. Having everything in its rightful place will give you a sense of calm and ease.

TIP! If you are falling short of your goals, take a moment to step back and determine where you have gone wrong. Compare your goals with the goals of others that you can research online.

An important new trait called sexual capitol is currently being researched. It does not translate to using sex to get everything you want. It is as simple as using charm. Developing this kind of social skills will help you deal with people.

You must focus on living your life and making decisions that fall within the limitations of your own personal strengths and abilities. Your skill set is unique to you, and the diversity of skills from one person to the next is what makes this world so great. Focus on the things you already know how to do and use them!

To become a better person, you have to actively decide to start growing and changing. Change is a highly personal and difficult choice that requires a real commitment.

TIP! If you hope to advance your state of knowledge regarding personal development, it can help to show a little humility. Understanding that you are a minute portion of the world will help you think about your level of knowledge.

Try to make the most out the time you are working. Take breaks regularly to stay focused on what you need to work on. Taking constant breaks, while appearing counterproductive, can allow you time to relax so that you can return to work and get more done.

Find out how successful people improved themselves. The best way to learn how to avoid making mistakes in your career and your personal life is to discover the path that other people have taken toward self-fulfillment. If you truly take in the information you learn from others, you will find yourself taking the steps they had towards true success.

Put in maximum effort to reach your personal development goals. Passion leads to greatness, so be sure to be passionate. The fact is that we can never be the absolute best at a single thing, but we can aspire to be an inspiration to others in our fields. Try to boost your worth in your field of work, and enjoy the benefits your self-esteem will get from it.

TIP! One simple step to your personal development is doing things for the benefit of other people. You can see things from a different perspective, and gain some understanding about people who may be less fortunate.

This article should have given you ideas that can help you change many parts of your character, personality and outlook on life, so that you can live a better lifestyle. This advice can help you to attain the best possible version of yourself


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Can a few cherries a day keep gout away? - Arthritis ... -

? Arthritis ? ? Dieting ? ? Rheumatic Diseases ? Oct 12, 2012

Cherries may no longer be for just topping off ice cream sundaes; in a new study of people with gout, eating the fruit was linked with a 35 percent to 75 percent lower risk of having an attack.

While adopting a cherry regimen sounds pleasant enough, the study?s lead author warns that the new study does not prove cherries prevent gout attacks, and he said patients should stick with their current gout medications.

?They can go out and eat the cherries, but they shouldn?t abandon their medical treatment at all,? said Yuqing Zhang, a professor at the Boston University School of Medicine.

Gout arises when uric acid crystals build up in the joints. The body produces uric acid when it breaks down purines - substances found naturally in the body, but also in certain foods, like organ meats, anchovies, mushrooms and some seafood.

Anything that boosts the production of uric acid, or slows its clearance, also raises the risk of gout. Obesity, High Blood Pressure, diabetes and kidney disease are some examples.

Doctors have reported that some patients recommend cherries to prevent gout attacks, but the connection has only been studied a few times before, according to Zhang.

His group?s preliminary investigation, published in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism, is just the first step in understanding the link between eating cherries and gout risk, he told Reuters Health.

For their study, Zhang and his colleagues recruited gout patients over the Internet to take online surveys about their attacks.

All the participants had had a gout attack in the last 12 months, had been diagnosed with gout by a doctor, lived in the U.S. and were at least 18 years old. They also had to release their medical records to the researchers.

For the next year, the gout patients filled out surveys every time they had an attack.

The survey asked questions about the symptoms, the drugs used to treat the attack and about certain risk factors, including what they had eaten.

The patients also took similar surveys at the beginning of the study, and every three months while it was underway.

Of the 633 gout patients enrolled in the study, 224 said they had eaten fresh cherries during the year, 15 said they had consumed cherry extract and 33 had both.

During the year, the researchers collected information on 1,247 gout attacks, which works out to about two per patient.

Overall, the researchers found that eating cherries over a given two-day period was linked to a 35 percent decrease in the risk of having a gout attack during that period, compared to not eating cherries.

Consuming cherry extract was tied to a 45 percent risk reduction, and eating both fresh cherries and extract was tied to a 37 percent lower risk.

The biggest risk reduction, however, came with eating fresh cherries while taking the anti-gout medication allopurinol (Lopurin, Zyloprim). That combination was linked to a 75 percent reduction in the risk of a gout attack.

There are a few possibilities for why these associations exist, researchers say. One is that vitamin C, which is found in cherries, can influence the amount of uric acid in a person?s blood, according to Dr. Allan Gelber, who co-wrote an editorial accompanying the study.

But Zhang said there are still a lot of questions to answer and more studies to be done, including a randomized controlled trial - considered the most rigorous way of demonstrating that a specific substance is responsible for an effect.

Gelber, an associate professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, said the study also shows that a patient?s activities influence their risk of a gout attack - not just their medication.

?It educates the reader that he or she can do something in his or her daily behavior to diminish gout risk. The patient is in the driver?s seat,? he said.

SOURCE: Arthritis & Rheumatism, online September 28, 2012


Cherry consumption and the risk of recurrent gout attacks

Our study included 633 individuals with gout. Cherry intake over a 2-day period was associated with a 35% lower risk of gout attacks compared with no intake (multivariate odds ratio [OR] = 0.65, 95% CI: 0.50-0.85). Cherry extract intake showed a similar inverse association (multivariate OR=0.55, 95% CI: 0.30-0.98). The effect of cherry intake persisted across subgroups by sex, obesity status, purine intake, alcohol use, diuretic use, and use of anti-gout medications. When cherry intake was combined with allopurinol use, the risk of gout attacks was 75% lower than periods without either exposure (OR=0.25, 95% CI: 0.15-0.42).

These findings suggest that cherry intake is associated with a lower risk of gout attacks. ? 2012 American College of Rheumatology.

Yuqing Zhang,
Tuhina Neogi,
Clara Chen,
Christine Chaisson,
David Hunter,
Hyon K. Choi

DOI: 10.1002/art.34677

Provided by ArmMed Media

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Advanced Micro Devices And Bank Of America Among Most Active ...

MINYANVILLE ORIGINAL The three most active funds and stocks in pre-market trading on the?NYSE?were Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE:AMD), Bank of America (NYSE:BAC), and Sprint (NYSE:S) as of 9:05 a.m.

Investors exchanged 9.69 million shares of Advanced Micro Devices, which was down $0.31, or 9.69%. Advanced Micro Devices cut its forecast for its third quarter yesterday, stating that it expects sales in the third quarter to decline 10% from the second quarter.

Investors traded 6.61 million shares of Bank of America, which was down $0.12, or 1.28%. According to a Reuters report, nearly one-sixth of Bank of America employees, or 42,000 people, work on servicing the bank's troubled mortgages. Operating costs in the unit have increased 29% year-over-year, and Bank of America has added 7,000 employees in that area.

Investors also traded 2.65 million shares of Sprint, which was down $0.11, or 1.91%. Softbank may make a bid to acquire two-third or all of Sprint. Reports have said the value of the deal may be 1 trillion yen or 1.5 trillion yen, which is about $13 billion or $19 billion.

Twitter: @ChrisWitrak

No positions in stocks mentioned.


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Saturday, October 13, 2012

AT&T training document suggests ISPs are gearing up to beat piracy with internet restrictions

AT&T training document suggests ISPs are gearing up to beat piracy with internet restrictions

The fact that ISPs are working with the RIAA in a bid to squash piracy is far from new. A leaked document claiming to be AT&T training materials, however, suggests that the operator is about to stop talking, and start doing. According to TorrentFreak notifications will be sent out to customers on November 28th about the change in policy, with those suspected of illicit downloads receiving an email alerting them of the possible copyright infringement. We'd previously heard of a six-stage notification system, and this, too, is mentioned here with repeat offenders facing access to "many of the most frequently visited websites" restricted. Even stranger, is the talk of having to complete an online tutorial about copyright to get the restrictions lifted. As AT&T is part of the MPAA and RIAA-backed Center for Copyright Information, it's likely that the other members (Verizon, Comcast, Time Warner Cable and Cablevision), will be prepping similar plans. We've asked AT&T for confirmation directly, but for now keep an eye on the mail.

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AT&T training document suggests ISPs are gearing up to beat piracy with internet restrictions originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 13 Oct 2012 12:04:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Healthy Kids: Yoga and Zumba Now Aimed at Children | Clutch ...

Kids around the country might be trading their video games in for a session of yoga soon. Instead of reciting rap lyrics and watching music videos on YouTube they?ll be standing in line, mat to mat, chanting ?OM? like it?s going out of style. Between homework, juggling a full schedule of activities and not to mention this entire bully epidemic going on in our schools, sometimes even children need a good yoga pose or two to wind down from a stressful day. And that?s exactly what they?re getting.

According to the?Mayo Clinic?yoga might help with a variety of health conditions, such as cancer, depression, pain, anxiety and insomnia, helping with sleep problems, fatigue and mood as well as reduce heart rate and blood pressure. Hospitals, gyms, physical trainers and community-based organizations are beginning to open their doors to a new crowd of yoga-goers in an effort to combat childhood obesity, help kids focus and increase physical, emotional, mental and energetic wellness in kids and families.

The Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City started a yoga program for kids age four to 13-years-old diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and autism but is also open for all children. Bobbi Hamilton, a celebrity fitness trainer who?s worked with have Michelle Obama?s Let?s Move! LA Organization recently launched the?Phresh Mat, an eco-friendly exercise mat in school gyms, studios and private gyms available in the Los Angeles area. With plans to expand nationwide the Phresh Mat features the Flow & Phreeze Game cleverly combining flow yoga poses and break-dance freezes that gets kids excited about the ancient practice while incorporating a little bit of dance.

Zumba, the popular high-energy dance-incorporated cardio classes that swept the nation for adults, is also now being customized for children. Zumba creators created?Zumbatomic?for kids packed with kid-friendly routines and all the music kids love like hip-hop, reggaeton, cumbia and more. Classes increase focus and self-confidence, boost metabolism and improve coordination.

Have you considered getting your children involved in yoga activities?


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Education Reform: Competing and Winning with Collaboration ...

written by Alan Blankstein

?Faulty evidence and unwarranted claims.?

Not the strongest foundation for a major push of government policy, but that?s what the?National Education Policy Center?says about the rational for significant efforts aimed at school turnarounds in recent years.

In a?report issued last week, NEPC said federal mandates for school improvement funding that include removing teachers and principals have little basis in research, are largely ?an extension of the (No Child Left Behind) market-based approach,? and were implemented without input from educators or the families and communities involved.

It?s an interesting report and deserves to be closely read, but I have a slightly different take on the policies surrounding school improvement and their implementation.

There has never been a time in the history of public education in our nation so filled with opportunity to close persistent learning gaps and raise student achievement. The spotlight placed on low-achieving schools by the government and the resources applied to the work are perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for all of us to make a truly game-changing impact on the future of public schools for millions of students.

Is it market-based and competitive, sometimes relying on unproven theories of change? No question. But it?s exactly in that roil of activity that real, replicable and systemic improvement will stand out and shine brightest. As NEPC and others have rightly pointed out, some entities take this opportunity for purely commercial gain. Yet others are elevating teachers, partnering with families and communities and rolling up sleeves district by district to scale best practices across entire districts and beyond.
At the HOPE Foundation, we recognize that every school has pockets of leadership and excellence. We build leadership communities within and between schools and districts such that these pockets of excellence become the norm, student achievement is sustained, failure is no longer an option. We have a proven track record of creating school and district-wide leadership teams that consistently close learning gaps among students while enhancing overall school, teacher and student achievement.

Since our work began in Alton, IL in 2001, we?ve helped scale success in districts within 38 states, Canada and South Africa where an entire province benefited from the process. Most recently, we completed the work in 51 schools in Fort Wayne; 40 schools in Mansfield, TX; and have expanded to work within a cluster of 175 schools in NYC, as a result of helping several of them go from D to A status.

We?re not alone in embracing this competitive drive to prove that collaboration not confrontation is the key to school improvement.

Two quick examples among many: The American Association of School Administrators is an organization steeped in collaborative efforts to close the achievement gaps, to effectively use data, to build and network school and district leaders, and join with entire school communities to focus on the whole child. The National Education Association, some three million strong created a separate cadre called the Priority Schools Campaign to help educators, communities and school districts effectively collaborate on the use of school improvement resources.

There are no guarantees this new public school marketplace of ideas will weed out the ineffective and politically divisive activity from real school improvement. In many ways, it seems to have actually fostered it. That?s why so much of the focus of the HOPE Foundation and our partners is on scaling what works, turning classrooms of success into district, state and national networks.
Competition over methods and measurement in the new marketplace of public education is here to stay and many of us who are passionate and committed to working in and raising up the most seriously struggling schools and students are ?in it to win it.? Our children and our future is at stake. Game on.


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PFT: Bandwagon is growing for 5-0 Falcons

Lawrence VickersAP

Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis sent a message to the Cowboys running game.

And Cowboys fullback Lawrence Vickers said he?s not backing down.

During a conference call with Dallas media, Lewis said the Ravens had other plans if the Cowboys wanted to try to fix an ailing run game.

?They can look to do whatever they want to do but it ain?t going to be what they think it?s going to be,? Lewis said.

So Vickers, who played against Lewis twice a year as a member of the Browns, said they weren?t going to be intimidated by reputation.

?I stay ready, for whoever,? Vickers said, via Jon Machota of the Dallas Morning News. ?Ray. Bernard. Bryant. Whoever it is. Names don?t scare me, man. Teams don?t scare me, man.

?I?m a man before anything, so I let other men just talk. See me in between them lines, that?s how I get down, like that.?

Get down, then Lawrence.

?That?s just the way he feels,? Vickers continued. ?I don?t remember him being a Houdini or anything like that. He?s entitled to his own opinion. And if that?s how he feels, that?s cool, too. Kudos to him.?

This may be a case of the talk being much better than the walk, on both sides of the ball.

The Cowboys are 29th in the league in rushing (67.8 yards per game), and the Ravens are 20th in run defense (118.4), so it?s not as if either side deserves to do a lot of gum-flapping.


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Rovio?s First Book App, Bad Piggies Best Egg Recipes, Takes It Further Into Non-Fiction, Non-Gaming Territory

BadPiggies_RecipiesForEggThieves_Screenshot_CN_01_1024x768After Rovio last week put out a teaser for its very first book app, with an announcement full of addled-looking pigs, today it's unveiled the actual product: it's an app for a cookbook about eggs -- which happened to be the subject of Rovio's first printed book effort, too. Bad Piggies Best Egg Recipes is being put out first as an iPad app, the company announced today at the Frankfurt Book Fair. And it is also a sign of Rovio's increasing efforts in the Chinese market. Among the international editions will be a Chinese language version of the app, featuring some new recipes and photos, which will sell in Apple's Chinese App Store.


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Friday, October 12, 2012

Quantum effects observed in cold chemistry

ScienceDaily (Oct. 11, 2012) ? At very low temperatures, close to absolute zero, chemical reactions may proceed at a much higher rate than classical chemistry says they should -- because in this extreme chill, quantum effects enter the picture. A Weizmann Institute of Science team has now confirmed this experimentally; their results will not only provide insight into processes in the intriguing quantum world in which particles act as waves, but they might explain how chemical reactions occur in the vast frigid regions of interstellar space.

Long-standing predictions are that quantum effects should allow the formation of a transient bond -- one that will force colliding atoms and molecules to orbit each other, instead of separating after the collision. Such a state would be very important, as orbiting atoms and molecules could have multiple chances to interact chemically. In this theory, a reaction that would seem to have a very low probability of occurring would proceed very rapidly at certain energies.

Dr. Ed Narevicius and his team in the Institute's Department of Chemical Physics managed, for the first time, to experimentally confirm this elusive process in a reaction they performed at chilling temperatures of just a fraction of a degree above absolute zero -- 0.01?K. Their results appeared this week in Science.

"The problem," says Dr. Narevicius, "is that in classical chemistry, we think of reactions in terms of colliding billiard balls held together by springs on the molecular level. In the classical picture, reaction barriers block those billiard balls from approaching one another, whereas in the quantum physics world, reaction barriers can be penetrated by particles, as these acquire wave-like qualities at ultra-low temperatures."

The quest to observe quantum effects in chemical reactions started over half a century ago with pioneering experiments by Dudley Herschbach and Yuan T. Lee, who later received a Nobel Prize for their work. They succeeded in observing chemical reactions at unprecedented resolution by colliding two low-temperature, supersonic beams. However, the collisions took place at relative speeds that were much too high to resolve many quantum effects: when two fast beams collide, the relative velocity sets the collision temperature at above 100?K, much too warm for quantum effects to play a significant role. Over the years, researchers have used various ingenious techniques, including changing the angle of the beams and slowing them down to a near-halt, that managed to bring the temperatures down to around 5?K -- close, but still a miss for those seeking to observe chemical reactions in quantum conditions.

The innovation that Dr. Narevicius and his team, including Alon B. Henson, Sasha Gersten, Yuval Shagam, and Julia Narevicius, introduced was to merge the beams rather than collide them. One beam was produced in a straight line, and the second beam was bent using a magnetic device until it was parallel with the first. Even though the beams were racing at high speed, the relative speed of the particles in relation to the others was zero; thus, a much lower collision temperature of only 0.01K could be achieved. One beam contained helium atoms in an excited state; the other, either argon atoms or hydrogen molecules. In the ensuing chemical reaction, the argon or hydrogen molecules became ionized, releasing electrons.

To see if quantum phenomena were in play, the researchers looked at reaction rates -- a measure of how fast a reaction proceeds -- at different collision energies. At high collision energies, classical effects dominated and the reaction rates slowed down gradually as the temperature dropped. But below about 3?K, the reaction rate in the merged beams suddenly took on peaks and valleys. This is a sign that a quantum phenomenon -- known as scattering resonances, due to tunneling -- was occurring in the reactions. At low energies, particles started behaving as waves; those waves that were able to tunnel through the potential barrier interfered constructively with the reflected waves upon collision. This creates a standing wave that corresponds to particles trapped in orbits around one another. Such interference occurs at particular energies and is marked by a dramatic increase in reaction rates.

Says Dr. Narevicius: "Our experiment is the first proof that the reaction rate can change dramatically in the cold reaction regime. Beyond the surprising results, we have shown that such measurements can serve as an ultrasensitive probe for reaction dynamics. Our observations already prove that our understanding of even the simplest ionization reaction is far from complete; it requires a thorough rethinking and the construction of better theoretical models. We expect that our method will be used to solve many puzzles in reactions that are especially relevant to interstellar chemistry, which generally occurs at ultra-low temperatures."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Weizmann Institute of Science.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. A. B. Henson, S. Gersten, Y. Shagam, J. Narevicius, E. Narevicius. Observation of Resonances in Penning Ionization Reactions at Sub-Kelvin Temperatures in Merged Beams. Science, 2012; 338 (6104): 234 DOI: 10.1126/science.1229141

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Oil prices rise after US jobless claims fall

(AP) ? The price of oil rose slightly Friday after a big fall in U.S. unemployment benefit claims suggested some improvement in the world's biggest economy, raising expectations for increased demand for energy.

Benchmark oil for November delivery was up 2 cents to $92.09 per barrel at late afternoon Bangkok time in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract gained 82 cents to close at $92.07 per barrel in New York on Thursday.

Brent crude, which is used to price international varieties of oil, fell 75 cents to $113.93 on the ICE Futures Exchange in London.

The U.S. Labor Department said Thursday that applications for unemployment benefits fell last week to 339,000. That's the lowest in more than four years. If sustained, the lower level could signal stronger hiring.

"We're going to look for more workers and consumers driving and more diesel demand from manufacturers and retailers delivering," said Carl Larry, president of Oil Outlooks and Opinions.

Oil prices rose Thursday as tension between Turkey and Syria raised concerns that crude oil supplies from the Middle East could be disrupted.

On Thursday, Turkey said it forced a Syrian passenger plane to land because it believed it was carrying banned cargo from Russia. Syria called the incident piracy. The two countries have traded artillery fire over Syria's northern border throughout the past week.

In other energy trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange:

? Heating oil fell 2.4 cents to $3.233 per gallon.

? Wholesale gasoline fell 4.5 cents to $2.911 per gallon.

? Natural gas fell 1.2 cents to $3.592 per 1,000 cubic feet.


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Thursday, October 11, 2012

A heartbeat away: Why you should watch the VP debate

DES MOINES, Iowa?It has been 67 years since Franklin Roosevelt died of a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, Ga., and 49 years since John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. This is the longest stretch of presidential health and survival since John Tyler moved into the White House following the death of William Henry Harrison just 30 days after he was inaugurated in 1841.

So as Joe Biden and Paul Ryan take the stage in Kentucky tonight for the lone vice presidential debate of 2012, it is understandable that most voters view the job as an assistant president rather than in traditional constitutional terms. Who wants to dwell on theoretical tragedy? It is wrenching to contemplate a transition that Harry Truman described in 1945 as, ?I felt like the moon, the stars and all the planets had fallen on me.?

If either Biden or Ryan were ever to ascend to the presidency in the next four years, he would govern with a different style and emphasis than the man he succeeded. This is not surprising since both Biden and Ryan were selected to balance their tickets.

In 2008, Biden was tapped because he offered something that Barack Obama lacked?more than half a lifetime in the Senate and national security expertise earned as the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. In similar fashion, Ryan filled a gap in Mitt Romney?s r?sum?. Not only did the Republican running mate provide seven terms of congressional experience, but Ryan also has displayed an ideological constancy (with, admittedly, a few deviations) at odds with Romney?s zigzag political journey.

Nearly five years ago?here in Iowa during the run-up to the January 2008 Democratic caucuses?I watched Senator Biden of Delaware make his second attempt to become President Biden. (In 1987, Biden withdrew from the presidential race after he was caught plagiarizing a campaign speech from British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock). Even though Biden corralled only 1 percent of the vote in the 2008 Iowa caucuses, his strong performances on the stump and in the Democratic debates made him appear like a plausible president.

That half-forgotten Iowa campaign provides a window into how Biden might approach the presidency. For all his liberal pedigree, Biden at his core reflects his 36 years in the Senate as a legislative dealmaker. In contrast to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, Biden?s 2007 health-care plan was based on a series of incremental steps beginning with providing catastrophic coverage for all Americans. What matters now are not the policy details, but rather Biden?s pragmatic emphasis on what seemed at the time to be legislatively achievable rather than historic.

Under President Biden, foreign policy would probably follow the broad contours of the Obama administration. But Biden?s record, dating back to the Vietnam War, reflects a sadder-but-wiser awareness of the limitations of American military action. In 2006, during the Bush administration, Biden proposed scaling back American ambitions in Iraq by partitioning the country into Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite regions. In the Obama White House, Biden was the leading in-house dissenter arguing against an expanded American military mission in Afghanistan.

The biggest difference between Obama and Biden would be presidential temperament. Biden is (warning: startling revelation ahead) garrulous and not a loner like Obama. As president, Biden would not lavish more time on his daily exercise routine than chatting informally with congressional leaders.

But the bipartisan Senate of Ted Kennedy and Bob Dole?the Senate that framed Biden?s public career?no longer exists. It is illustrative that Biden?s 2011 budget negotiations with a group of Senate moderates, the Gang of Six, ended in failure. But in contrast to every president since Lyndon Johnson (with the conspicuous exception of Jerry Ford), Biden remains a creature of Capitol Hill. Legislative gridlock might endure under President Biden, but the White House undoubtedly would be far more energetic in its efforts to unsnarl the congressional traffic jam.

Envisioning President Ryan is understandably far more difficult because until recently he was, in effect, Private Ryan to most voters. What seems evident, though, is that in the White House, the 42-year-old Ryan would be more emotionally accessible than either Obama or Romney. Campaigning in the Mississippi River town of Dubuque, Iowa, last week, Ryan referred to his roots in nearby Wisconsin when he said: ?A lot of people I grew up with?a lot of friends of mine?are in between jobs. You know, they lost their jobs at our GM plant or at some other factories.?

Taming the deficit presumably would be the centerpiece of a Ryan presidency, as his chairmanship of the House Budget Committee was the credential that vaulted him onto the Republican ticket. The Ryan budget (a phrase that we are apt to hear many times from Biden during tonight?s debate) would have gradually turned Medicare into a voucher program and shrunk Medicaid into a block grant to the states. But in the House?unlike many conservative purists?Ryan displayed enough ideological flexibility and enough awareness of Wisconsin?s economy to vote for the 2008 Wall Street bailout and for Obama?s rescue of the auto industry.

In one important respect, though, President Ryan would probably have more political independence than Romney. Trusted by conservatives in a way that Romney is not, Ryan would not need to spend his entire time in the White House watching his right flank and worrying about a Republican primary challenger in 2016.

It remains a stretch to imagine Ryan presiding over a Nixon-goes-to-China, against-the-grain deficit deal that includes (get the smelling salts?Republicans have fainted) tax increases as well as budget cuts. But because of his budget-hawk plumage, Ryan would probably retain enough credibility with his party?s base to explain that such a bipartisan bargain was the best deal attainable.

There is always an aura of unreality to the second-banana debates that began in 1976 with Bob Dole railing against ?Democrat wars.? What is almost never discussed is how vice presidents envision their role in the White House, which can be anything from a Dick Cheney shadow presidency to a Dan Quayle cipher.

Instead, tonight?s debate is more of a sporting event pitting the Obama Oval Offices against the Romney Raiders. Maybe it is better that way. No one likes to contemplate the literal meaning of the phrase, ?a heartbeat away from the presidency.?

But sad a notion as it may be, the framers of the Constitution created the second highest job in the land for reasons that went beyond providing the president with a loyal sidekick. And that is why two potential presidents?Joe Biden and Paul Ryan?will be duking it out in Danville tonight.

Correction, 7:10 p.m. ET, Oct. 11: A previous version of this column misstated the number of years it has been since FDR's death.


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    Women and Scuba Diving. Part 3 ? kccdc blog

    As far as returning to the water after giving birth, a woman can resume diving when she is back to her normal health, strength and endurance level. Ultimately, this decision needs to be left up to a physician after a full physical examination and medical clearance permit strenuous activity.

    Scuba Diving and Endometriosis
    What exactly is Endometriosis and is there any cause for concern relating to diving? Endometriosis is when tissue containing endometrial cells occurs abnormally in various locations outside the uterus, but most commonly inside the uterus. Endometrial cells have appeared in the lungs, stomach and other unlikely areas of the anatomy (in severe cases). During menstruation this abnormally occurring endometrial tissue, like the lining of the uterus, goes through what is referred to as cyclic bleeding. The blood within the endometrial tissue cannot drain to the outside of the body, thus forming pockets that collect blood in the surrounding tissue, causing severe pain and discomfort. Because Endometriosis is known to cause increased bleeding, cramping, as well as a longer menstrual flow, diving may not be in a woman?s best interest when she experiences these symptoms. All divers (male and female) should only conduct dives in the utmost optimal state of health.

    Scuba Diving with breast implants
    There have been experiments conducted with silicone, saline, and silicone/saline filled breast implants. The results of the experiments showed that there was a minimal increase in bubble size in both saline and silicone gel implants. Fluctuations in results varied on the depth and duration of the dives conducted. The saline-filled implant resulted in the smallest volume change because nitrogen is less soluble in saline than in silicone. The silicone/saline filled implant showed the greatest volume change. Bubble formation in the silicone implant led to a small volume increase, however, not enough to damage the implants or any of the surrounding tissue. If gas bubbles are to form in the implant, they dissolve over time. After a sufficient amount of time has passed after undergoing breast augmentation surgery, the diver can resume diving once all normal activities have been resumed and there is no danger of infection.

    Women diving with breast implants need not worry, as implants are not known to cause significant gas absorption or changes in size and are not a dissension for participation in recreational scuba diving. Women diving with implants should take special precautions and avoid using BCD?s with constrictive chest straps that can place undue pressure on the seams and possibly cause risk of rupture. With regard to buoyancy issues, breast implants filled with saline are neutrally buoyant whereas silicone implants are heavier than water and may alter buoyancy and trim under water, particularly if the implants are large. This offset in buoyancy can be adjusted with proper weight considerations, which can help overcome these difficulties.

    In summary, there is no conclusive evidence, which points to women being more susceptible to DCS. However, it is highly recommended that women abstain from scuba diving throughout the various stages of pregnancy. Until concrete study results are reached, it is quite simply not worth the risk. Apart from pregnancy, there are no major physical repercussions that would prevent women from taking up the sport of recreational scuba diving. Diving is a wonderful, peaceful and safe sport that can be enjoyed by both men and women alike.

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